drama begins

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I wake up to the door slamming shut. I jump up, quickly grabbing my wand from my nightstand. Ready to attack whoever just came in.

"Mione, you scared the shit out of me!" I throw my pillow her way, watching her try to block it lazily, and I lay back down dramatically, making sure to cover my eyes from the sun peering through our red curtains.

She yawns loudly, "Sorry Elle," I can feel her sit down on my bed, "It's already 10... do you want to go to breakfast?"

I move over a little to make more room for her as she lays down next to me, "No," I say honestly.

I register what is going on. It's 10 am and she just got back to our dorm. "Wait, why didn't you come back here last night?"

Her face turns red faster than I can say another word, "I-" she stutters, "I was with Ron." She hides her face in her hands, embarrassed.

"Excuse me... what?!" I'm in shock. I practically have to pick my jaw up. "How the hell did that happen?" I should have known something more was gonna happen from the way they acted on the train ride back to Hogwarts.

She rolls her eyes at me playfully, "I got carried away last night and obviously so did he... nothing happened. Just a little snogging," She grins, "I think."

"Mione!" I say, practically squealing, "Was he good?" That's a question I of course need to know as a girl, but the thought of kissing Ron makes my stomach turn. Maybe I don't want to know the answer...

"You think I can remember?" She grabs her head, "I think I'll have a hangover for the rest of my life after last night. All I can remember is waking up in his bed."

"You naughty girl!" I laugh. "Now we have to go to breakfast. I need to see Ron interact with you after all that." Poor Ron, I can imagine him just sitting there with his face the color of his hair. He's an awkward guy as it is, so I can't wait to see him when Mione walks in.

She climbs out of my bed but quickly sits back down, grabbing her head again, "Fine," she says, "I'm going just because I need food in my body," She stands up slowly this time, "not because I want to see Ron or anything."

"Sure," I roll my eyes laughing.


When we walk in to the Great Hall for breakfast, it's already beginning to clear out. Mostly just the first years leaving as they probably got here before everyone else.

Me and Hermione walk side by side as she fills me in on what else she remembers that happened at the party after I made a quick appearance and left. It turns out she doesn't remember much so she sticks to broad details.

I begin growing nervous to see Harry remembering how he acted last night. I wonder how he's doing. I bet he's more hungover then anyone in this room.

I gaze around the hall to people watch, I found that people watching is one of my favorite things to do, I love the fact everyone has their own individual lives and worries. It makes me feel less alone in this scary world.

My eyes land on a pair of silver ones. They are staring right back into my green ones. The stare is tense and their eyes look dark. I take my eyes off of theirs and I realize who it is.

I was having a 'staring contest' with Draco Malfoy and I lost. I can feel heat creep onto my cheeks.

How could I forget him and Harry's small argument, the way he defended me, and when he practically arrived to the party with me.

I feel like I owe him a 'thank you' for sticking up for me in front of my wasted boyfriend. I never would've expected him to do that.

"-she was being such a bitch!" Hermione throws her hands up in the air, "Are you even listening to me?" She questions, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yes, sorry." I force a smile, knowing she doesn't believe me. I sit down next to her at the Gryffindor table, across from Harry and Ron. "Hi guys, how are we feeling?" I ask the two guys who both look like they've been through hell and back.

"Your bubbly attitude makes me nauseous," Ron says chugging water from a large goblet, "I think I'm gonna start to stay sober just like you Elle." I notice his quick glance over to Hermione and his face quickly turns red. Hermione let's out a small giggle.

I smile, happy I don't have to deal with how their feeling and at their newfound love, "Best decision I've ever made." Staying sober is truly the best decision. I never want to end up like my father.

"Elle," Harry says grabbing my hand as I reach for my usual french toast, "can I talk to you?" He is wearing a concerned look, his eyes are tired and his face is red. He looks like a mixture of hungover and disoriented.

I take my hand back, placing the piece of french toast on my plate, "Sure," I smile, waiting for what he has to say.

He looks around momentarily, "Like, privately?" He asks biting his lip nervously.

"Oh, yeah." I say getting out of my seat. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the hall. I can feel the pit in my stomach getting bigger and bigger.

My eyes meet with the same silver ones as they did earlier as I get dragged out of the Great Hall.

Harry brings me to a private, dark hallway, "I wanted to apologize for how I acted last night," he says holding both my hands and looking into my eyes.

"I'm surprised you even remember anything." I laugh, but we both realize it was a fake, forced one.

He fakes a laugh too, "Well Cho Chang told me this morning about what I did," he squeezes my hands, "she told me how I pressured you, and what happened with Malfoy." He runs his index finger and his thumb around his temple. I can't imagine the headache he probably has right now.

"It's okay, I know you were just drunk." I say trying to make him feel better about it all. I recognize the fact I'm trying to make myself feel better about it all too. I keep telling myself he was just drunk and he didn't mean to pressure me. "The Malfoy thing was ridiculous, he always tries to get involved in situations where he doesn't belong."

He gives a confused look, "What do you mean?"

I furrow my brows at his question. I thought Cho told him what happened... "How Malfoy stuck up for me and how you got in a little disagreement with him... you said Cho told you about it all." I force a smile.

He frowns at me, "No..." he drops my hands quickly. The movement felt harsh. "You came to the party with him. Malfoy." I can see his face turn red. It's not out of embarrassment though. It's out of anger.

I roll my eyes, frustrated at Cho and frustrated at Malfoy for following me, "Not like that.." I say. I don't want to fight with him today.

He lets out a huff, "Then like what?" His voice sounds irritated.

I pick at the random split ends in my hair nervously, "You know I came late because I didn't have anything to wear, I was walking to the party, alone, Malfoy was patrolling as a Prefect, he was being a nosey little ferret, said he was going to the party too, then followed me." I let out a big breath after explaining it all in one sentence.

Harry looks like he's trying to figure out if I'm telling the truth or not, he examines my face for a few seconds then grabs one of my hands lazily, "Okay." Is all he says as he begins to walk away, dropping my hand.

I want to tell Cho Chang to mind her own business. I want to tell her to not talk to my boyfriend about what I'm up to. I also want to tell Malfoy to stop being so nosey.

Harry turns around quickly, "What did you mean Malfoy stuck up for you?" He makes his way back to me, questioning me.

I grow frustrated thinking of the whole situation, "You we're trying to get me drunk, as Cho told you. You tried pressuring me, then Malfoy just told you to stop. He said you can't handle your alcohol and that you, the chosen one, can't listen to my pleads about not wanting to drink." I ramble, "Then I left."

He stays silent for what feels like minutes, though it was probably only a few seconds, "Just stay away from him, okay?"

I'm shocked he didn't even apologize after what I said. After saying his 'enemy' had to stick up for me after I begged him to not give me a drink. All he had to say was that I needed to stay away from Draco even though he was helping me.

I am about to speak when Harry walks away, leaving me in the dark, empty hallway.

My Chosen One ~ D.M.Where stories live. Discover now