ravenclaws welcome party

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"What If I told you I was going to a party with only Gryffindors?" I said, trying to convince Draco Malfoy to not follow me.

He scoffs, "I know you are off to Ravenclaw."

I turn around abruptly, almost making him bump into me, "How do you know?" I cross my arms.

"Everyone knows about Ravenclaws party," he rolls his eyes, "there goes the Gryffindors thinking their the only special ones. Ravenclaws happen to favor us Slytherins the most."

I turn around once more and keep walking. "I bet the girls do." I scoff, correcting him teasingly.

He catches up to walk right next to me, I can feel his eyes burning holes into the side of my head. "What's that supposed to mean?" He asks.

I laugh to myself, keeping my eyes straight, "I'm just saying I bet you Slytherin guys get around with the Ravenclaw girls. I bet that's why they favor you." I smile, "Ravenclaw is the only house willing to come close to you snakes. Though I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart..."

"Funny aren't you, Knight?" He teases. "In fact, I was about to go to Ravenclaw after my prefect duties."

"For a hookup or the party?" I laugh.

We arrive at Ravenclaws common room before he could even respond. I smile to myself that I got to get the last word in. "Hi Ellie," Cho Chang says walking up to her common room door, "here for the party?" She asks noticing Draco behind me and looking between us confused.

"Yeah," I smile ignoring the look.

She quickly answers the riddle to get inside, letting us in behind her. I quickly escape Draco and Cho, spotting Hermione by the drinks.

"Look who decided to come!" Hermione yells over the loud music, "And you found your dress!" She squeals jumping up and down, clearly tipsy.

I giggle at her and show myself off, twirling, "Sure did!"

"Want me to get you a drink?" She asks taking a huge sip from her red solo cup.

"Uhm, I'm okay." I shrug, "Where's Ron and Harry?"

"Their with Neville..." She yells pouring herself another drink, "He decided to try muggle weed, he's going crazy!" She slurs the last few words.

I force out a fake laugh, "I'm gonna go find them."

Hermione nods and moves back over to Luna on the dance floor. Luna is dancing in a way I've never seen, I bet she's not even drunk. I love her for always being herself.

I peruse the crowd, looking for my boyfriends sweet face.

"Look who it is," someone says putting there arms around me from behind, "my beautiful girlfriend."

I smile turning around, "Hi." I kiss him quickly, tasting the alcohol on his lips.

He eyes my body up and down, smirking, "I like that dress." He says pushing his glasses up higher on his nose. "Fits you just right." He moves his hands down to my waist, grabbing my butt.

"Harry!" I laugh, shocked, as I move his hands higher to my waist, "How drunk are you?" I question.

He's never been that cocky before. I think that's the first time Harry's ever touched me in a sexual manner. To be honest, we've only gone as far as snogging. He must be wasted.

"Let me get you a drink." He slurs, grabbing my arm and dragging me to the drinks table.

"No, don't worry about it." I say trying to get away from his grip. "Let's go dance!" I smile.

"Cmon, try this!" he says pouring me a drink, "It'll be good."

He pushes a drink into my hand, forcing me to take it. "Harry, I don't want a drink."

"Loosen up. You're so tense." He pushes the drink back to me.

I roll my eyes at him, "Harry, you're really drunk." I say biting my lip nervously. I take the drink to please him.

"So?" He yells over the music and talking that fills the room. I feel like everything just keeps getting louder.

"Let's see our little Elle get drunk!" He teases as our friends come up to us, cheering loudly. Is it hot in here? I question to myself.

Anxiety begins to fill my chest and head. I can feel a headache coming on. I pick at my hair to calm me down.

I whisper to him, "Harry, I said I don't want to drink! Will you just listen to me?" The whisper turns more into a yell.

Harry wraps a hand around my waist, "Just a little si-"

"She said she doesn't want to drink it Potter," Harry's cut off by Draco Malfoy whose pushing our friends out of the way to get close to us.

Harry rolls his eyes and scoffs, "Leave it Malfoy, we're having fun!" He slurs as the others around us cheer at his 'we're having fun' motive.

I grow uncomfortable at the whole situation. Is this really happening? I pick at more pieces of my hair.

I whisper in Harry's ear, "Let's just go." I say grabbing his arm, begging him.

He yanks it away, "Im not going anywhere."

"Who knew Potter could get so wasted. Seems like you can't handle your alcohol." Draco teases.

Harry takes a few steps forward to stand in Draco's face, trying to look intimidating. Draco towers over Harry by a couple inches. It looks ridiculous.

"Just shut your mouth Malfoy." Harry pushes him back.

Draco puts his hands up in defense, "I'm not looking for a fight, just here to help your girlfriend." He smirks, "Hard to believe everyone's chosen one can't listen to his girlfriends pleads."

Harry scoffs at his comment, "You don't know shit."

I stand in the middle of them, noticing everyone beginning to stare, I grow embarrassed, "Just knock it off you two." I turn to Harry, "Im leaving."

And that's what I did. I threw my drink down in the trash and left. "This is so stupid." I mumble to myself storming out of Ravenclaws common room.

I let out a sigh as soon as the common room door shuts behind me. Silence fills my ears and everything feels calm again. I take my heels off so I can have a silent walk back without anymore trouble.

I'm shocked on how wasted Harry let himself get. He never was the type to get drunk. Sure, he'd have a few drinks with his friends but nothing to that extent.

The use of alcohol scares me. I'm too much of a puss to try it, as some of my friends say. Though I believe that I have a good reason to dislike it.

I throw my heels into my clothing trunk and lay on my bed.

The events of the short night come flooding back into my mind. I'm surprised by how adamant Harry was to get me drunk and how he touched me.

I'm not saying I didn't like his touch... it's just that's not how our relationship is. We're that couple that people question if we are best friends or dating. Not that couple who can't keep their hands off each other.

Sure we hold hands and hug in public, but nothing too much. We've never been the type to bring PDA to another level.

But the real question of the night is, why the fuck did Draco defend me?

I let out a large huff and climb out of my warm bed to take a quick shower to help me relax. I turn the warm water on and slip my dress off, hanging it up. I do my usual night routine and get right back into bed.

I check the time, 10:58 pm, it feels much later. I pick up my book and begin reading. It helps me forget the reality of life. Reading takes me to another life. A better one.

Authors note: thoughts / suggestions!!!??

My Chosen One ~ D.M.Where stories live. Discover now