St. Grace

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" AVADA KADAVRA ! " shouted Bellatrix 

Violet watched in horror as the spell hit Sirius on the chest , his eyes went wide and he went tumbling down the veil 

He tried reaching out to his god daughter one last time, tell her everything will be all right but that never came 

The last thing he saw was the heartbroken expression of his beloved god daughter 

" I'm sorry Vi, I couldn't keep my promise " and everything went black

" SIRI ! SIRI COME BACK ! LET ME GO ! SIRIUS ! " shouted Violet, refusing to believe what just happened 

" He's gone Vi , he's not coming back " said Remus, through his tears , holding on to her tightly 

" SIRI ! NO ! " yelled Violet and broke down

Everything just happened in a blink 

Remus's grip loosened on her a bit and she ran into the veil, the last thing she heard was " NO ! " and everything went black


Violet opened her eyes to find herself in....a hospital room ?

Is this st. Mungo's ? did Moony bring her here ? where is he ? , were the thoughts running in the young girl's mind

" Thank god you're awake ! " and this seemed to snap her out of her rambling 

" I'm sorry miss, but where am I ? " asked Violet 

" You're in st. Grace general hospital dear, you've been in a coma for the past two weeks, for a moment we thought we lost you there " said the nurse

Wait ! did she say st. Grace general hospital ? but the hospital was destroyed during one of the air strikes in world war 1, how was this ? unless ..

" Um miss , what's today's date ? " asked Violet hesitantly 

" Why its, Monday 2nd August, 1926 dear " said the nurse and with that she left

Violet groaned and ran her hands on her face 

Where have I landed myself in ? she thought, then her thoughts went to her uncle Moony, he must be so lonely and sad right now !

A tear went down Violet's face


Professor Dippet was going through the fifth years curriculum, when the wards on his muggle house in London alerted him that he's received a letter 

He quickly took out a portkey and shouted the keyword "BOOTS" , which took him to his house

Upon arrival he noticed he received a muggle fax , but why so ?

Upon reading further he got to know that there was a young girl of about 15, who was found unconscious in an alley, apparently she asked the hospital staff to contact him

If the girl knew him , she must be a witch and is in dire need of help

Without wasting any second he transfigured his robes into muggle ones and apparated away to the hospital 

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