Let's swim

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Violet was walking towards the charms classroom, when she spotted Leta running, with the rest of the snakes and ravens following after.

" Professor ! Lestrange has done it again !" huffed Mellisa Edgecombe, a fifth year ravenclaw

Violet glared at the girl

Mellisa and her wonderful friend group have been insulting Leta for Merlin knows how long and nobody raised a finger !

And now when she stands up for herself by rightfully hexing her mouth shut, she plays the victim ! How dare she !

" Once a loser always a loser " Violet murmured

But looks like one of Mellisa's friends heard her

" What did you just say Evans ? "

" Oh I said that your friend is a loser "

The girl's gasped

" You take that back Evans "

" And what if I won't ? "

" Tarrantallegra ! "

Violet casted the sheilding charm, and glared at the girl

Then without waiting for a minute disarmed her

Now all of them were glaring at her

" I was easy on you but ... If any one of you insult my friend again, I won't hold back " threatened Violet, then flipped them off and walked away.


" Wanna go out for a swim ? " Whispered Violet to Leta

Leta looked at her as if she went mad

" Violet , transfiguration is going on" said Leta

" So ? We've practiced and casted this spell already " pointed Violet

Leta sighed but knew she was right

" Fine " said Leta

" Sweet , now look at my swag" said Violet

Violet quickly did a non verbal spell of the snowing charm, which worked 

In a matter of seconds the entire classroom was covered in snow and professor Cooper , had to dismiss the class early 

Giggling to themselves the girls immediately ran to the black lake 

" Are you ready ? " asked Violet , taking off her cloak 

" As ready as I can be " said Leta and the girls jumped into the lake , splashing water on eachother

Soon even Newt joined them

Professor Dumbledore who was walking around the gardens , spotted the trio and smiled , three of his favourite students ( yes even miss Evans ) were having fun and laughing.


****Spoiler Alert****The Future****

James Potter was walking down the corridor, wiping the potraits for detention, when his eyes fell on that

Just beside the portrait of David Caulfield was the portrait of Violet Evans

Violet Lily Evans / Gryffindor / 1926 - 1929 / found the cure for lycanthropy and along with healer Travis Higgs found a cure to treat the impairments found in children born due to the influence of love potion

James didn't know why but he always felt this feeling of pride and joy whenever he read about the works of Violet Sullivan nee Evans

Which is weird because he's never met her even once in his life, all he knew was that she and his mother were close friends, well more like sisters and kept exchanging letters with eachother

His brother's in all but blood , Padfoot and Moony , also felt the same way , though they had no idea why


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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