Friends and Family

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Violet had requested professor Dippet if he could conduct her sorting in private to which he agreed

After a whole 5 minute argument with the hat it agreed to again sort her into Gryffindor, from there she was escorted back to the Gryffindor Common room by professor Dumbledore who was the then head of Gryffindor house.

" Here you go Miss Evans , welcome tp Gryffindor !, the password is butterbeer and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask Miss Euphemia Greengrass, she's the head girl and a part of Gryffindor house " said professor Dumbledore 

" I will, thank you professor " said Violet with a smile 

" There you go Violet " whispered Violet and entered the common room


Upon entering the common room , Violet saw a boy who held a very strong resemblance to her father, chilling on the couch, he was her grandfather Fleamont

He was immersed in a deep conversation with Harfang Longbottom, Neville's great grandfather

Before either of them could notice her, she went upstairs to her dorm, which she was sharing with her grandmother, Audrey Weasley, and Hadley Fortescue. 

Her grandma was just like how Siri had decribed her beautiful, kind, warm, funny and fierce

The next morning , she had her first lesson with the slytherin's , transfiguration

Upon entering, she could find only one seat at the very end of the class

" Hey can I sit here ? " asked Violet

The girl looked shocked

" You want to sit with me ? " asked the girl

" Of course, if its not a problem " said Violet

The girl scooted over

" I'm Violet by the way, Violet Evans " said Violet 

" Leta Lestrange " whispered the girl as if she was expecting to get mocked 

" Nice to meet you Leta " said Violet

Again, Leta looked shocked

" You don't think I'm a dark lady ? " she asked

" No and why should I ? "

" You know because of my father " said Leta

" Why should I blame you for someone else's mistakes and for the record you don't seem like that kind of a person " said Violet 

Hearing this Leta immediately smiled even more, making her face look even more angelic 

" Newt says the same thing " said Leta


During lunch , Leta dragged her to the Hufflepuff table to meet her friend Newt , students frowned upon seeing a Gryffindor and Slytherin together but the duo ignored them.

" Newt this is Violet " 

" Violet this is Newt " 

Newt Scamander gave her a smile and said " Nice to meet you , are you a new transfer student ? "

Violet smiled and nodded " yup that's me , Leta told me that you love creatures  ? " 

Newt's smile widened at this and he started describing about various rare creatures to the girls 

Leta shook her head fondly while Violet beamed at him 


While going through her photo album that evening Violet stumbled upon a photo of her as a baby with her parents

She was being held by her dad , who leaned forward and kissed her on her head, while her mom took her tiny hand in hers and kissed it , all three of them were smiling widely.

When Violet turned it around something was written on it :

The Potters 

James , Lily and little Violet 

Our little flower

Her father had written this , as a memory 

Violet smiled at this and clutched the photo close to her


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