Meeting Dippet

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Upon arrival he went to the front desk and asked for healer sorry nurse Annabeth 

Nurse Annabeth immediately took her to the section of the general ward, where sat a young girl who looked to be around 15, she had wavy red hair that went a little past her shoulder , almond shaped emerald green eyes, and a soft heart shaped face. 

She also had a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on her forehead 

" Good evening Miss ? "

" Violet sir, my name is Violet Evans " said the girl

" Are you alright Miss Evans ? how did you end up here ? " asked Dippet

" Um professor, my village was attacked and bombed by Grindelwald and his supporters, no one except me survived " said Violet looking down

Dippet looked at the young girl with pity 

" I'm sorry to hear that Miss Evans , is there something I can do for you ? " asked Dippet

" Um professor if its possible can I enroll in your school as a fifth year, I promise I'll work hard " said Violet 

" I can certainly do so Miss Evans , but before taking in transfer students , we check their magical education by conducting a set of tests , but since you're- " 

" Professor I want to take the tests " said Violet

" Are you sure Miss Evans ? if you want I can postpone them , you've suffered a horrible ordeal, you shouldn't stress yourself " he said

" I'm sure professor , I'll take the tests , can you tell me when and where I can take them ? " she asked


Professor Dippet filled the discharge papers and took Violet to stay in his house in muggle London

" I'm not around that much , so you have the house to yourself " said Dippet

" Thank you so much Professor, I won't dissapoint you " said Violet 

She's already done that a lot

So she immersed herself in her studies and when she wasn't studying she used to flip through her family album which now also had photos of Siri, Moony, Mione, Ron, Colin, Neveah, Dean, Seamus, Fred, George, the Weasleys, her grandparents on both sides, professor McGonagall, professor Flitwick and professor Dumbledore.

Now all of them will only be in her heart, the realisation of not seeing them ever hurt her a lot but that's what she deserved. She dragged her friends into a battle they never asked for, got Siri killed and left Moony all alone, she couldn't forgive herself for that.

Finally the day came and professor Dippet escorted her to the ministry where she took her exams, she was required to take a test in all the core subjects and her electives.

She did the practicals with ease but when it came to theory she used to get a bit lazy

After four hours of constantly taking the exams , she was allowed to leave the chambers the come back after lunch to collect her results.

After lunch when she came to collect her results she was shocked 

Name : Violet Lily Evans

Scored in :

Care of magical creatures - o (outstanding)

Transfiguration - o (outstanding)

Charms - o (outstanding)

Potions - E (exceed expectations)

Defence against the dark arts - o (outstanding)

Herbology - o (outstanding)

Ancient Runes - o (outstanding)

Alchemy - o (outstanding)

Astronomy - E (exceed expectations)

Healing studies - o (outstanding)

" I-I can't believe this " said Violet blinking hard

Dippet smiled at her and said " Its all because of your hard work, don't undermine yourself Miss Evans "

Violet gave him a smile 


" da-da " said Violet pointing to her dad 

Her dad , who was playing with her looked up at her in shock

" da-da " said Violet giggling and clapping her hands 

James teared up at this and picked his daughter off the floor, hugging her close

" Can you say that again sweetie ? " he said , unable to hide his excitement 

" da-da " said Violet and leaned her little head into his chest 

James cried with joy and kissed her on the forehead

" You're your daddy's girl aren't you ? " said James and Violet giggled at this

Lily who was watching her husband and daughter from the kitchen , smiled fondly at the two 

Violet teared up at the memory , seeing a little girl with her father , reminded her of her moments with her dad


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