1. - "I will see the Targaryens burn in hell."

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If this chapter is shit, don't @ me, the next is better.

2 BC, The Stormlands.

"Isa, go hide somewhere, they just slew father!" Argella yelled.



"They will never break us or tear us down, we are Durrandons. We are the descendants of a line of Kings and Queens." Argella said.

Isabel quickly followed her sisters order and hid in a remote closet.

But it was too late.

Before Isabel could even count to ten, her sister was bound and gagged and presented to Orys Baratheon, like a chicken on a silver platter.

"LET MY SISTER GO." Isabel emerged from the closet, screaming at the guards, before she was put in chains and brought to Orys' camp aswell.

At the camp..


Orys looked at Isabel in confusion.

"I'm not doing anything to her, am I?" He asked her gently.

"I understand if this seems really disturbing for you, but i promise you, it will be alright. Come here."


"Isa, it's fine, he will not hurt us. We get to keep our home and I gain a husband!" Argella smiled at her.

So, Isabel made her way towards the two.

"What will happen to me now? I now know you intent to marry my sister but what will happen to me? Will I be executed?" Isabel asked Orys.

"If I were a cruel man, that is exactly what I would do. You are a woman of House Durrandon, your name and station remain intact. I shall find you a noble husband when the time is right. Do not worry I would not harm a hair on your head."

Orys smiled gently at Isabel.

"Thank you my lord." She smiled back.

"Also, What is your name, my dear?"

"Isabel." She responded.

"You are a young, beautiful and capable woman, Isabel.  I am certain I will find a worthy husband for you. In the intervening period, you shall serve in my court." He smiled back at her.

"Thank you my lord." She smiled again.

Maybe the Usurpers aren't that evil.

"You are a strong woman, but still young and inexperienced. If you need to talk about your situation then come to me if you like, I will do all in my power to help you. Now, I suppose you want to get to your new quarters, show her to her room."

Servants nodded and lead Isabel to her quarters.

"Thank you yet again, my lord." She smiled at him, trying to seem as friendly as possible.

"It is no trouble at all Isabel."

They soon arrived in a spacious, comfortable room.

"Here you are, this shall be your room." Orys declared.

"It's quite beautiful, I am so grateful, i don't even know how to thank you."

"No need. But there is something I wish to ask of you, my dear?" Orys asked.


"I am going to search for a suitable husband for you. Of course I shall consult with you on his character. In the meantime, please promise me you are to refrain from seeing any man without my express permission. Would you agree to this?"

"Of course." Isabel quickly responded.

He smiled.

"Very well, now you may rest from here. I expect to be visiting your quarters shortly. Good night, my dear."

Orys turned and left the room.

Isabel was now left alone with her thoughts.

What will my life be like from now on? Will they kill me? Orys promised they will not hurt us... Will they keep their promise? What husband will Orys chose for me? Will he be gentle? Hopefully it's not one of those Dragonriding invaders..

With these thoughts, Isabel turned around and tried to find sleep.

She had just closed her eyes when she felt a light tap on her door. What could this be? Isabel sat up in bed, and looked towards the closed door.

The door opened and Orys Baratheon slowly peeked through. Isabel tried to cover up the nightgown she was wearing.

What does Lord Orys want at this hour? Does he really want to discuss the marriage he wanted to arrange?

"Isabel, did I tell you to cover up? I did not."

He advanced and sat close to Isabel on the side of her bed.

"Do you know why I am here?"

"Probably to discuss my marriage. Who am I to marry?" Isabel asked, still a bit eepy.

"I will not lie Isabel. That subject is on my mind."

He moved his hands and brushed through her hair, it was thick and long and it moved under his fingertips like smooth silk.

Isabel just starred at him in utmost confusion.

"But, it was not only that which brought me here."

"So, who do you suggest? Please don't say he's one of those Dragonriding Usurpers." Isabel complained.

"Don't talk about house Targaryen like that." He sternly explained.

"But to answer your question, I've decided that you should chose your husband yourself. There is a feast in a couple moons time, perhaps you could find a lord that you like there." Orys smiled.

"That is a wonderful idea." Isabel smiled at Orys.

"I will forever be in your service."

"Not for this."

This action will have consequences..

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