3. - "The third wife."

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1 AC, Kingslanding.

As the feast went on, Aegons and Isabel's conversations got progressively steamier.

"My wish is for you to find me later tonight. We shall celebrate our marriage, and... perhaps, we shall celebrate in other ways." Aegon kissed her once more on the neck, biting gently at the skin. The king wanted her, and she wanted him, and that was all that mattered.

"Of course.. but nothing will happen until we're married." She chuckled, spinning around him.

Aegon was left utterly speechless. He had been sure of it, the way she had been playing with him all evening. He was sure of her desires. He was sure of what they both wanted. He was sure that he was going to get what he wanted, and now she pulled this on him.

"Why, my love?" He asked eventually, still somewhat flabbergasted. "Why must we wait?"

"Because i will not dishonour myself." She chuckled.

His heart sank, but he knew he had to push for what he wanted. The night was not over yet.

"Lady Isabel," he whispered. "We both know what we wish to do. Why wait?" Aegon was almost desperate for her, he was almost at his limit. 

She wants us, so why do we wait?

"We haven't even talked this out with Rhaenys and Visenya." She sighed.

Aegon paused. It had not occurred to him that his sisters would want to weigh in on what was undoubtedly a sensitive and awkward issue. How he dealt with them depended on their reactions: if they were fine with it, there would be no issue; but if not, how would that affect his relationship with his sisters.

"Very well, let us invite my sisters to join us." The King sighed. "Let us talk to them, let us see what exactly they think."

He didn't need to tell Isabel twice.

And so she went off, she didn't really knew which sister she should talk to first.

Eventually, She chose to talk to Visenya first.

"Your grace?" Isabel bowed as she entered her chamber.

Visenya was quick to react and look up from her cup.

"Do I appear to have time?" She stared down at Isabel. There was something in her gaze that was akin to stone, the unremitting and cold glare of a woman whose very nature did not allow for mercy, no, never any mercy. Isabel, for her part, kept her stare on the floor.

"It's important." Isabel pleaded, now looking Visenya straight in the eye. She knew she would hate her for what she was about to say, but she would hate her even more if she kept quiet.

"Your husband intents to take me as his third wife, i was hoping you would be okay with that." She smiled, unsure of what to say or do next.

"Why would you think I would be okay with that?"

Visenya asked, taking in the young lady's appearance for the first time. She was pretty, pretty enough for a third wife. But she had some audacity to believe that she would be granted that. So Visenya did what she always did to those with any amount of gall, she crushed their hopes and dreams, and made them understand their true value.

"What reason could I possibly have to allow you to marry my husband?"

"I just wanted to inform you, although he advised me not to." She smiled, horrified of Visenyas reaction. It was not supposed to go this way.

"Your audacity knows no bounds." She had to hold herself back from punching the girl, but she was Queen after all, she could not let her anger show.

"Let me tell you something little Isabel - and your soon-to-be husband should listen as well - you might have your uses, but you are not pretty enough for a second wife, and I will not allow you to take up my husband's time. Do I make myself clear?"

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