2. - "A memorable feast."

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1 BC, Kingslanding

"Gods is this weird, I've never seen so much red and black in one place." Argella chuckled.

"Neither have I, who is that old man over there?" Isabel stared at the man with the lean build and white hair across the room.

It was no other than Aegon the conqueror.

"Hush, don't say that. He is not an old man, he is the king now." Argella scolded her.

"Well he will never be MY King." Isabel scoffed at her.

"Shut up Isabel, you could get us arrested." Argella snapped.

Right then, an unknown person breathed down on Isabel's neck.

"It's of no importance. A king should never sit easy." The unknown man smiled.

Isabel turned around, now facing the unknown man, whom turned out to be Aegon.

"Hopefully you never sit easy, you usurper." Isabel chuckled.

"An entire continent kneels before me, what does it matter if a few petty lords do not?" He chuckled. "It hardly matters." Aegon looked at her, those violet orbs drilling into her.

"Besides, I would never allow you to call me a usurper to my face."

"But that is what you are, LORD Aegon." She chuckled.

"King Aegon." It was no longer a chuckle when he uttered those words through gritted teeth.

"Whatever you tell yourself at night, lord Aegon." Isabel kept joking.

Argellas face turned into a dark frown.

"When I defeated your father, I took the throne of all of Westeros, by right of conquest. No matter your thoughts on the matter, I am king." Aegon spat at her.

"You would be nothing without your dragon, Lord Aegon." Isabel loved playing with fire.

"You would be nothing without your name, Lady Durrandon." Aegon took a sip of his wine, looking at her with that cool, calm veneer that he wore as a mask. He was known for a quick and vicious temper, and he wanted to see if she could get him riled up.

"You are a no one. A lord of a small island in the middle of Nowhere, Lord Usurper." Isabel chuckled, now taking a sip of her wine aswell.

"You are as foolish as you are pretty, Lady Durrandon, so perhaps I shall forgive your lack of tact."

It was a subtle jab, the sort that he knew would cut deep, at her deepest insecurity.

Most men would have been content with that, but Aegon was especially spiteful, so he decided to twist the knife a little deeper. "Besides, if being a 'no one' means that I am king of the largest realm in the known world, then I think I shall find a way of coping with that."

"You're still an usurper." She giggled.

"Am I? Or am I a conqueror? If I have conquered this realm, then by definition it is my domain, and so I cannot truly be an usurper." Aegon smirked, sipping his wine once more. It had become a contest, and he was doing his best to try and win.

"Conqueror my ass, all you did was burn people, you're nothing but a dictator." Isabel smirked smugly.

"I burned people, aye. But, I did more than that." His smirk was replaced by a cold, hard stare.

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