4. - "A storm queen."

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1 AC, The Sept.

When morning finally came, Aegon woke up and looked across at the spot in his bed where Isabel had once slept. It was empty and cold, and Aegon felt a pang of sadness and longing as he got out of bed. The day that he would marry Isabel was fast approaching, but in the moment, Aegon just wanted her now, and he regretted that she was not still in bed with him. He shook those thoughts away, though, and dressed himself, making his way to the room that Isabel was staying in.

Isabel was just getting into her wedding dress, which was a beautiful white dress made with the finest gold, a one foot train, the Durrandon sigil on the right sleeve and the Targaryen sigil on the left.

Aegon arrived just as Isabel was finishing putting on the dress, and she looked stunning. He could not help but admire the dress as he saw her wear it. He could also not help but admire her within that dress, he had never seen her more beautiful. He was in awe, truly. He tried to keep his stare respectful, but he could not entirely resist a smug grin. "My darling," he murmured, "You are more beautiful than I could have even imagined."

"Thank you, my love." She smiled, putting on the final accessory.

The antler crown, which was a beautiful silver crown with each of its points resembling an antler. But most importantly, It was her mothers.

"I am the luckiest man in the Seven Kingdoms, I think." Aegon's gaze remained glued to her. "I can not believe you will be mine until the end of days." Aegon was, perhaps, getting a tad too romantic for the moment. This was to be a ceremony, but Aegon's heart was still beating so fast, he could hardly contain the emotion. He loved her, for sure, he loved her very much, but he wanted her just as much in that moment, perhaps more.

"You most definitely are, shall we go then?" She asked smiling.

Before long, they were in the great hall.

The septon was waiting for them, standing in the center of the hall, with a small altar in front of him. Both Aegon and Isabel had made all the necessary preparations, so the ceremony could now happen sooner rather than later. As the king and his bride to be walked into the hall, they heard the septon begin the ceremony.

"We are gathered here today," the holy man said, "In the face of these witnesses, both the gods and the men and women of the realm, to join together in holy marriage Aegon of the House Targaryen and Isabel of the House Durrandon."

The holy man continued. "In all other marriages in the Seven Kingdoms, the man is bound by word, and the woman by flesh. In this most holy union, however, they are to be one flesh, one spirit, one soul. All in attendance shall listen now and bear witness."

With this, Aegon handed Isabel a ring made of fine Valyrian steel. It was small and elegant, yet also held a deep meaning. It was a symbol of his love.

The septon then spoke once more. "Will you take this woman to be your lady wife, and vow before the eyes of gods and men to love, cherish, and protect her?"

Aegon stared at Isabel, deep into her eyes, but he did not hesitate. "I do." He said, with complete conviction. "With my blood and fire, I take the Lady Isabel Durrandon to be my lady wife, and I will love her and cherish her and protect her, in all things, now and for all of my days."

"Do you take this man to be your lord husband, and vow before the eyes of gods and men to love, cherish, and protect him?" The septon asked Isabel.

Once more, there was no hesitance from the would-be queen. "I do." She said confidently. "With this blood and this heart, I shall love, cherish and protect Aegon Targaryen, in all things, now and for all of my days."

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