16 years old - 18 years old

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So I'll just start from the beginning. Back when I was 16, ok I'm Scarlett incase you didn't know I'm 18 now but I'm just going to summarize my life. when I was 16 my high school boyfriend.. well he wasn't so lucky in a car accident, it was a head on collision I was in with him but I was in the back seat because his dad was with us and so was his little sister she was in the back with me... we lived.... I saw the car coming right toward us and the only thing I could do was protect his sister Samantha I... was so scared I couldn't say anything to anyone all I could do was cover up Samantha's eyes and put the rest of myself over her to be a bit of a human shield I had glass shards all over my left arm and my back and my right leg I remember opening my eyes open to the pour girl crying after seeing what happened to her beloved brother and father I cried to.... I saw glass in my mans face his hand bending in a way a humans hand should never bend.... I saw his teeth nocked out of his mouth scattered around the floor I...... I'm done talking about it. anyway after that I stopped talking I didn't talk for 10 months and 7 days my brother kept count because he wanted me to talk again..... but I couldn't I was afraid of most people in my school their was nothing wrong with them.... nothing and that what scared me they were normal.... and I knew I wasn't I had scars all over my arms and legs from the accident I took care of Samantha when her mother had work, she and her mom truly trusted and respected me for what I did for the poor 7 year old.... But I just didn't want her to die that way I wouldn't want to die that way either. After all that at my 17 birthday my mom bought me a guitar so I learned how to play..... I used it do get away with rock, hard rock. my brother moved out when it was 1 month until my 18 birthday I was upset at first then I moved out to and I was so happy! That summarizes that.

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