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I backed away in terror he said "what's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Hey I know how about a riddle?" I stopped backing up and said "ok..." he said "what's black white and red all over?" I said "i don't know...." he laughed "it's me after I get done decorating the room with your blood!" I chuckled "ok," I reached behind me in my dresser drawer and pulled out my knife and my pistol I said "wanna bet..?" He grabbed my arms so fast I couldn't react he slammed me against the wall and said "I'm not going to kill you, I like you.... Your different, different is good!" I was in shock looking up at his pail face and bright eyes witch seemed to see right through me.... he said "you don't talk much.... I like it." He then kissed me I couldn't do anything my arms were pinned against the wall and it seemed I couldn't move my legs, but it was a nice kiss.... I opened my eyes after he slowly moved away I looked down at my feet and said "you..... you're a good kisser...." he blushed and said "thanks....... I'll see you around I guess." I said "yeah I guess..." I hugged him and said "why do you have to go?" He hugged me back and said "I have work, you have to play a guitar, and I'll come back. I promise." I smiled and said "ok!" I walked out of my house  leading him he went one way and I went to other." I went to my neighbors house and sat on the couch and played my guitar until mike started to flirt with me again. he said "I was wondering what took you so long to get back...." I shrugged my shoulders and got up I said "hey Terrance?" Terrace turned around and said "what's up Scarlett?" I said "I don't feel good I'm gonna leave band practice early...." he said "ok that's fine, get better." I smiled and walked out and closed my eyes and spun around on my tip toes until I nocked into something I opened my eyes I turned around to a man who seemed to be wearing a white mask with a woman like face painted on it I stepped back a little bit and tilted my head seeing his orange jacket, and torn up jeans I said "are you lost or something?" He chuckled I lifted my head and moved the strands of hair out of my face. he said "are you Scarlett?" I said "wait who are you?" He said "I'm Masky." he didn't seem real so I just went along with it and asked "yeah I'm Scarlett what do you want masky?" He said "Laughing Jack told me and a bunch of other people about you and apparently your a lot like me so I wanted to get to know you.... that's all." I said "ok than come on...." I lead him to my house and walked in he sat on the couch I asked "so wanna beer or something?" He said "you got a lighter?" I said "yeah, is that all you want?" He said "I guess...." I grabbed a beer and I ran to my room to grab a lighter when I walked back out he had a cigarette in his hand and said "pass me the lighter." I did then I opened my beer and sat beside him and asked "so what all did you hear about me?" He said "well...." he lit the cigarette and smoked some, "I heard you are hot and you're nice and stuff like that..." I took a gulp of beer and said "so that's all? I don't know anything about you.... so can u tell me about yourself?" he chuckled "excuse my language but I'm a rejected high schooler with some shitty life and dumb ass friends...." I looked down at my empty beer can and said "hey guess what." He said "what?" I am too." I smiled and got up to toss out the old can and grab a new one from my fridge I opened it up and drank some when I got back masky said "so are you drunk yet... just kidding! Ha ha ha ha!" I said "that's a cute joke, but I'm not." he said "can I have a beer?" I said "umm yeah let me grab you one." I got up and went to my fridge I grabbed the entire case of beer cans because I was tired of getting up and all that.... when I walked back in my living room I sat the box on the coffee table and said "go crazy." he grabbed one and opened it and gulped it down in what seemed like two seconds.... he grabbed another and so did I he said "wanna race?" I said "sure!" I opened mine he opened his and said "1,2,3 GO!" I chugged and tossed the old can across the room reaching for another and chugging it down I stopped after 4 and said "ha ha, no." he said "no what?" I was a bit intoxicated but I could still make since of the moment.. "you're trying to get me drunk.... aren't you?" He said "maybe what Ya gonna do bout it?" I smiled "ha ha nothing....." he took off the mask revealing a blue eyed brown haired guy he smiled "why aren't you afraid of me or Jack?" I said "well." I looked down at my scared up arms "I'm different too...." he said "oh what happened, you cut?" I said "no, at least not my arms. I was in a car accident when I was 16 and I used myself as a human shield for a little girl..... her father and her brother was killed... but me and her lived." masky said "a guy I know toby, was in a car accident too. I use to cut.... but then I got addicted to drugs and smoking and that sort of crap." all of a sudden I heard beating on my front door I said "hang on one second." I got up and opened the door "hey mike, what do you want?" Masky looked mad. mike said "have any plans tonight?" I said "I have a friend over right now." he said "who?" "Just someone I met recently." Mike said "can I come in for a little while?" I looked over at masky who was frowning and shaking his head I said "umm hang on one minute." I closed the door and said "what do you think?" Masky said "its not my house or my choice.... but I don't like him already..." I said "well I can't be that rude I'll let him in for 10 minutes, ok?" Masky just turned his head and said "sure." I sighed and opened the door and said "come on in..." mike walked in and looked over at masky and scoffed "who are you?" Masky stood up and said "no one you want to know." mike said "who are you! I'm mike and you are?!?" "Don't yell at me bitch." mike looked at me and asked "who's your friend?" I said "I don't think he wants you to know that.... it's not my name ask him." mike turned to Masky and said "lets start over.... Hello I'm mike, and you are?" Masky looked pissed "listen bud I don't care who you are and you shouldn't care about who I am! So fuck off." mike punched Masky and said "watch your  mouth, theres a lady!" Masky had blood running down his face from his nose he looked at mike and chuckled picking up his mask and placing it on his face "you punched the wrong guy." Masky pulled a knife out of his jacket pocket and ran at mike I jumped up and stood in front of him and said "Masky stop!" Masky said "listen just get out of my way...." I said "no leave him alone." I said turning to the door with mike and led him out then I shut the door pushing my back up against it, to close it all the way Masky took off his mask and said "why'd you do that?" I said "you can't just kill a guy because your jealous!" Masky grabbed my arm and said "who the hell you think you're talking to!" I closed my eyes and said "let me go please." he chuckled "what's wrong?" I opened my eyes and looked at him and said "I.... I want you t....to let me go." he said "why?" I jerked away get out of his grip and walked into the kitchen and told him "follow me." he walked behind me and I got to the paper towels I took one off the role and ran it under some cold water I then ringed it out and turned to Masky. he was taller than me so I stood on my tip toes to reach his face I placed the towel where he had been hit he then looked at me and smiled "thanks.... I'm sorry." I said "it's fine..." he took the towel out of my hand and tossed it to the floor and grabbed my hand then he kissed me I kissed him back he had his arms wrapped around me and my hands rested on his shoulders I pulled away and said "what are you doing?..... I like it but, what are you doing?" He said "i..... I.... I like you...... a lot....."I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest then said "I like you too." he grabbed my hand and lead me to my room I was being held in his arms as he fell onto the bed with me.....

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