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I woke up not remembering much. I sat up and shook masky when he said "what?" I said "what happened?" He chuckled "well right before I turn around... are you dressed?" I looked down to my body I said "umm hang on one second." I I was only in my bra and underwear so tossed on an old t-shirt and said "ok you can turn around." He did and said "I don't remember much either.." he looked worried and quickly blurted out "what time is it?!?" I looked at my phone and said "its 10:37 why?" He jumped up putting on his pants and zipping up his jacket he grabbed his mask and said "I'd love to stay but I have to go to slinder mansion... bye" he jumped out of my window I jumped after him he started to run i did to he turned back and yelled "stop following me!" I didn't listen he ran into the woods I followed until I couldn't see him anymore... my phone started to ring I picked up and said "hello." it was the girl I saved mother she said "hello Scarlett, I need a babysitter tonight can you make it?" I thought for a minute then said "umm yeah I can what time?" She said "8:30 she'll probably be asleep also Sarah's friend Kimberly will be speeding the nigh all you have to do is make sure they don't get to loud and that the go to bed by 9:00, got it?" I said "Yep I got it! Bye!" I hung up and liked around for Masky I didn't see anyone so I started back to my house then my phone rang again it was my mom calling I picked up "hi mom, what's up?" She sounded sad an scared at the same time she said "its about your brother...." I put my hand over my mouth "honey he was killed..." I couldn't holdback the tears I said "h-how?" she said "he was with your cousin they were walking in there neighborhood and they were attacked your cousin died in the hospital but your brother got no where he stabbed 2 of the people attacking them but the 3 left teamed up on him and he couldn't fight back... Im so sorry to have to tell you." I wiped the tears off my face and said "bye mom." I hung up and tossed my phone at a tree braking it into pieces I fell to the ground and pushed my back against a tree I hid my face in my knees and cried to myself I remembered a song a listened to when I was younger and I was going through a tuff time in my life I hummed it.... in my mind I screamed it "broken home, all alone....... broken home, all alone... I can't seem to fight these feelings, I'm caught in the middle of this, my wounds are not healing, I'm stuck in between my parents.... I wish I had someone to talk to...." then I heard a voice say "h-h-hey c-ca-an y-you si-ng s-s-some f-for m-m-me?" I looked up tears stained my face I said "w-who are y-you?" He had brown hair, a brown jacket with darker brown stripes on the sleeves, a blue hood, he was wearing a thing over his mouth, and orange goggles. he sat down beside me and said "I- I'm t-t-Tob-y... w-who a-a-are y-you?" I said "I'm Scarlett..." he said "h-hi Sc-Scarlett... w-will y-y-you s-sing a-a bi-t for m-me?" I thought for a moment I've always had a thing for singing so I guess i was good I was always the lead singer in my schools productions so I decided to sing i don't know this guy anyways so it doesn't matter so I said "umm sure broken home, all alone....... broken home, all alone... I can't seem to fight these feelings, I'm caught in the middle of this, my wounds are not healing, I'm stuck in between my parents.... I wish I had someone to talk to... I just want to know the truth, I just wanna know the truth....want to know the truth... broken home......... all alone........ I know my mother loves me but does my father even care? If I'm sad or angry he was never ever there... when I needed him, I hope he regrets what he did... I think I know the truth his father did the same to him....... did the same to him... I'm crying day and night now what is wrong with me?!? I can not fight now I feel like a week link........" a tear ran down my face "a week link...... broken home all alone......." I stopped I didn't want to finish the song I looked away he said "y-your a g-good sing-er.... w-what's w-wrong?" I said "nothing... I'll be fine I guess..." he tilted his head to the side to look at me and said "y-y-you ca-n t-talk t-to m-me." I said "humm ok.... I have had the worst day ever.." he said "w-well w-what h-h-happened?" I said "to much to soon.... that's all." he added "ju-just t-t-tell m-me!" I said "my big brother was killed and I'm having a hard time with it ok!?!?" I yelled at him but I was upset... right after I said that I said "I I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell... im just upset.. I'm sorry." he said "m-my big s- sister i-I-is d-d-dead t-to.... s-she w-was k-killed in a-a c-car acc-ident...." his eyes teared up as he spoke I said "my brother was jumped... he stabbed 2 of the people but the rest teamed up on him..." I had tears rolling off my face as I spoke he put his arm around me and hugged me "I-it's o-ok I-I un-understand...." I hugged him back saying nothing then the boy moved away and said  "I-I  ha-have t-t-to g-go..... b-bye." he stood up and walked away I got up and went back to my house I looked at the time it was  8:17 I remembered I have to watch Sarah... I ran to my room and thew on some suit able clothes and ran out my door walking to the kids home she lived 3 blacks away so it was easy to get to her once I got there I knocked 3 times soon after a little girl came to the door she said "are you the babysitter?" I said "Yep I am.. may I come in?" She said "yeah." she walked in and I followed I sat on the couch watching the girls do makeovers to each other to be honest they looked like clowns but when they asked what I thought I said it looks beautiful... On of them, the red head with braces and freckles asked if they could have a dance party i of course said the most responsible thing..... "yes!" They danced to kidsbop till 9:30 then I made them go to bed cause I was really tired her mom came home soon after so I took the 30$ she was paying me to babysit and I walked home it was 10:03 when I got on my street I noticed a dark figure in the distance I slowly walked toward it I got so close I could make out its facial features it had no eyes but it had a dreadful sharp toothed smile I jumped back it had a black hat and long jacket on I stepped back even further when it seemed to be walking towards me... I didn't run, witch was stupid... the ting picked me up with white tenticals he had a rose I tried to get out of his arms but I failed and he spoke "hello, you must be miss Scarlett.... I'm offenderman.."

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