Magical phase 24🧚‍♀️

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Chapter is not Proofread! So excuse my mistakes.

Previous epi :
      An old lady came to meet ishan and mahina.
Aryan !
She looked mahina and said

Finally you came!!  With that she passed out in ishan's arm.

Current epi :

Ishan caught her in his arms. He yelled subjects for help and took the granny to palace infirmary. There sukanya treated granny. Everyone is waiting outside the infirmary. Mahina standing there clutching ishan's arms. Ishan stand there looking in oblivion.

Aathreya : why that granny called you as  aaryan and tara?

Ishan : she can only answer that!! He heaved a deep sigh.

Sukanya : she is mentally and physically exhausted. Maybe it's due to her age . I can't say anything now so , let's wait for her to get conscious.

Everyone nodded their head and retired back to their chambers. Mahina laid on the bed leaving a sigh. Past few days were exhausting for her. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep slumber.
Suddenly the whole palace got fire. Everyone running here and there to save their life . Mahina looked around and found her chamber  caught fire. She tried to move her body but found she was enchained on the window bars. She did her best to free herself but no avail. There comes ishan with his bloody battered body.

Mahina : Alpha!! What happened to you?

Ishan : there is no time to talk we have to escape from here.

Ishan tried to break the chain but he has no strength to do that. Now the chamber is fully engulfed in fire. Before they could react a pillar which is fully covered with fire fell on ishan.

Mahina : Alpha!!

She jerked up from the sleep and realized all this were her dream. She take deep breath to control her ragging heart.

Riya : what happened to you princess? Why are you looking so tensed?

Mahina : where is ishan?

Riya : I saw alpha prince in the garden.

Without any further words mahina ran out from the chamber .


Ishan was physically present in the garden but his mind is wandering in the thoughts of past incidents. That's when a soft fluff ball hit him, due to that unexpected hit he fell down on the ground tightly securing the fluff ball In his hold.

Ishan : love!! What kind of game is this?

He didn't get any reply but all he heard was sniffing sound. Ishan tried to lift mahina head from his chest but he can't.

Ishan : what happened to you?
He asked while releasing calming pheromones.

Mahina : palace.... Fire... You....!! (She hiccuped)

Ishan lifted mahina and bring her back to their chamber. All this while mahina tightly gripped him like her life depend on him. He slowly placed her on the bed but mahina refused to leave her hold. Ishan too joined on the bed with her. Immediately mahina snuggled close to him and held him tightly. Ishan draw soothing pattern on her back and released calming pheromones to calm her.

Ishan : now tell me what happened my sweet omega?

He kissed her temple .

Mahina slowly narrated her nightmare to him. Ishan grip tightened impossibly around her, cause he also saw the same thing in one of his episodes.

Ishan : it's just an nightmare  bun !! Nothing gonna happen like that in real. So, try to forget it and sleep.

Mahina Nodded her head in affirmation. He lulled her to sleep. After conforming that she  fell asleep he went out from the chamber to meet one important person.
At gurujii's chamber,
        The chamber guard Informed guruji that both alpha princes want to meet him.

Guruji : let them in!!

Aathreya and ishan came inside the chamber.

Ishan : guruji!! I know you know everything happening around us.

Aathreya : I also know that you know about  aaryan and tara. So, please tell us about the secret you know.

Guruji released a deep sigh!!

Guruji : I know this day will come one day !! But i can't tell you anything !! Now you can leave my chamber.

Ishan and aathreya stared guruji for a good minutes and left the chamber.

When ishan came back to his chamber he saw mahina twisting and turning in sleep calling for ishan. He immediately went near her and scooped her in his arms. He grabbed a silk sheet and settled on the couch with her. Mahina wrapped her legs around his pelvis and hugged his neck tightly. Mahina tugged his top.. Signaling him to remove that.  Safely securing her with his one hand he removed his top with another hand and make her lay again on his chest.

Ishan : shhhh.... I got you!! You are safe!! (He continued to rub her back ).

Mahina slowly opened her eyes and looked ishan. She cupped his cheeks , tears streamed down from her beautiful orbs.

Mahina : You.. You won-wont  leave me right? (She asked him like a toddler )

Ishan : why would I leave you omega? You are my everything!! ( he cupped her cheeks with his long fingers and kissed her forehead).

Mahina : promise!! (She raised her pinky)

Ishan chuckled and sealed his pinky with her.

Ishan : promise!!

Mahina hugged his neck tightly and kissed his scent gland. Ishan snuck his breath and gripped her tightly. She continued to pepper his neck with kisses.

Ishan : omega you are playing with fire. You don't know how much I'm holding back!

Mahina looked him in eyes

Mahina : Then don't hold back!! Take me and once again claim me yours!!

That's it ishan smashed his lips with her . He kissed her passionately and bring her back to the bed.

Few hrs later ,
   Ishan laid there placing his one hand behind his head and his other hand wrapped around his omega who is peacefully sleeping on his chest after their adult play. Ishan definitely know that guruji hiding something from them. After mahina's night mare that is similar to his he concluded that mahina also closely related to him in past, with these thoughts he fell into his sleep.

Now only the pieces from past starts to reveal, we all will know what happened in the past once they fall on their correct place.

To be continued.......

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Happy diwali all ❤🌟🦋🌼

First of all I'm sorry  !! Sorry for disappearing for 3 months without any information. I was held up with my uni works. Literally they were so exhausting😫. I'll try to give updates regularly. Please let me know that this chapter is good or not.

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With love,

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