Find Me In The Library

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Deets: Summerz - WC 3098 - Written by user @moonlitstelle at - [G]

Kazuha was slumped over the table as she couldn't bring herself to be more productive than she already was. She thought that maybe studying inside the school's library would get her to work but it had only worked for a while before she felt exhaustion creeping in quickly. Chewing softly on the insides of her cheeks she can't believe how she only got to finish one project despite being here for almost an hour. She decides to distract herself as she allows her eyes to roam around the library. There were certainly students who committed to finishing whatever they were doing or studying the lessons that they should finish. She felt herself shrink as she noticed how everyone but her were being productive. As her eyes continued to glance every corner of the library, her eyes stopped at a certain table. There was a student who was sleeping. Kazuha felt like she could breathe a little when she let it sink in that at least she wasn't the only one who couldn't do anything productive. Although it did seem a bit rude to assume whether or not the person who Kazuha had her eyes on wasn't being productive. The more Kazuha looks around the student's table she notices how there were books being stacked as well as a closed notebook beside it. It seemed as though Kazuha was staring way too long that she failed to notice how the girl had shifted slightly from her seat before sitting up.

Kazuha only then realizes that the girl was awake when they lock eyes. Embarrassed that she had been caught staring, Kazuha quickly averts her gaze, cheeks turning a shade of pink. She decides to pretend that she was engrossed in her own work, even though her mind is racing with thoughts of the girl she just unintentionally stared at.

The girl, seeing Kazuha's reaction, lets out a soft chuckle. "Hey, don't worry about it." Kazuha could faintly hear the girl's whisper. "I'm used to people staring whenever I fall asleep in the library." She jokes, her voice was gentle and warm. Curiosity gets the better of Kazuha, and she can't help but steal another glance. She had once again failed to notice that the girl had gotten up from her seat to walk towards Kazuha. The girl, with a playful smile, lifts a hand in greeting. "I'm Chaewon, by the way. It's nice to meet you." She introduces herself. Feeling a lot more embarrassed than before, Kazuha nervously smiles back and introduces herself, "I'm Kazuha. Nice to meet you too, Chaewon." As they exchange pleasantries, Kazuha realizes that she feels surprisingly at ease with Chaewon.

They strike up an easy conversation, talking about their majors, Kazuha finds out that Chaewon was apparently older and was a music major. Suddenly embarrassment rushes in as Kazuha tries to be formal with Chaewon who laughs at her attempt. They later talk about their interests, and the struggles of staying productive in a quiet environment like the library. Chaewon learns more about Kazuha as she finds herself opening up about her own challenges, and Chaewon listens attentively, nodding sympathetically. "I tend to follow along with my plan but after a while my mind just drifts somewhere that I never realized how much time had passed." Kazuha couldn't believe the fact that here she was opening up about her strugglings with someone she doesn't even know, but there was something about Chaewon that made her feel safe to explain her situation.

"I totally get what you mean." Is what Chaewon says after realizing that Kazuha was done explaining her struggles. "Sometimes it's hard to focus when there's so much going on in our minds," Chaewon says, nodding her head as she let out a sigh before looking at Kazuha straight in the eyes. "But don't be too hard on yourself. Taking breaks and chatting with someone can actually help you recharge and be more productive later."

Kazuha appreciates Chaewon's words and finds comfort in the fact that she's not alone in her struggles. They continue talking for a while, and it's as if the library's atmosphere had continuously gone up the longer she talked to Chaeown.

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