End of the World

773 15 1

Deets: Purinz - WC 2955 - Written by user @jkshickey at https://archiveofourown.org/works/48330124 - [M]

The movie nights weren't a regular occurrence, but they happen often enough for Chaewon to have known better than to let Yunjin have carte-blanche to pick out a movie.

"Train to Busan?!" Chaewon has to protest.

"Why are you so offended by my choice," Yunjin whines, a set pout on her full lips and a frown marring her smooth forehead. "I never complain over anyone else's picks. I'm a fantastic team player."

"No one's calling your... willingness... into question," Chaewon says, gesturing with her hands to make her point. "It's just that—the movie came out in 2016. That's a whole seven years since it premiered, and you want your first time watching it to be with me?! You know I'm as much of a scaredy-cat as you are."

Yunjin makes a noise of annoyance. "If you want to watch something else, we can! I just thought it could be a nice experience or something."

The thing is, Yunjin is relatively new at experiencing Korean pop culture. Chaewon can't blame her when in 2016 Yunjin had been too busy coping with a culture shock when her parents had decided to return to Korea, uprooting their entire family from the US. It's not an easy transition to have to go through as an impressionable teenager and Yunjin has confided to Chaewon how rough it had been for her to relearn Korean and all of her country's customs. Chaewon truly admires Yunjin and her family for going through all these changes and having a healthy family.


"Yunjin-ah, you know the movie has zombies in iit, right?"

Yunjin blinks, hand hovering over the open bag of popcorn she's just extricated from the microwave.

"What? Zombies?" she pronounces, mouth full of popcorn.

"What did you think it was about?" Chaewon asks, unable to hold her amusement from bleeding into her words.

"I thought it was about a group of strangers getting to know each other on a train... to Busan..." Yunjin whines, which only serves in activating Chaewon's giggles.

Chaewon's delighted laughter only grows at Yunjin's petulant pout.

"Yah, unnie! I already rented the movie—stop laughing!" Yunjin demands despite Chaewon's rising laughter.

Yunjin's dismayed look lasts only as long as she finds herself infected by Chaewon's laughter as she snorts at the reaction to her oversight.

"I mean," Chaewon says through heaving breaths as to calm herself down, "you weren't wrong. Stangers do bond on a train to Busan, they're just united by zombies attacking the passengers."

Yunjin ponders on the newly provided information, only the crunch of popcorn in her mouth cutting through the silence. Chaewon is a bit distracted by the tendril of hair that's escaped Yunjin's half-ponytail and curls over her cheek. There's a sudden urge to tuck it back behind her ear, but she overthinks it long enough for Yunjin to shrug.

"Sounds good to me. Besides, I have unnie to protect me if I get scared, right?" Yunjin says with a ridiculous wink.

Chaewon turns her face away with a scoff, ignoring the way she feels herself heat up. "Let's just—watch the movie."

Normally, Chaewon wouldn't have a problem during movie nights, especially if they had Sakura as a buffer between them. However, seeing as Sakura had to skip out on tonight's gathering due to an activity for Japanese students that she was roped into attending, Chaewon is suffering—and not just because Yunjin hasn't noticed she's crushing Chaewon's hand.

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