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Yuya walked slowly through an alleyway. 'Yuto.... How did this happen? How come your back?' 

Yuya looked to the floating figure above him. 'I don't know, but something is up.'

After tying with Reji in a duel, Yuya felt nauseous. He slowly got up from the area he was laying down and started to run away. Obviously even if Reji hadn't noticed it, they were both still enemies, and the phantom wasn't about to put a hold on his shenanigans, what would be the fun in that? But just as Yuya made it into the streets, he started to feel even more nauseated. He slowly, but surely, passed out on the spot. When he woke up, he was in another weird site, just a bit different than before, he then noticed something. Well someone. The 3 floating figures above his head. He felt like crying. 

"Yuto.... Yugo......Yuri?" 

"Yuya!!" Screamed Yugo. As the blue and yellow haired boy yelled in delight, he went over to hug  Yuya, of course he was intangible and went right through him, but it was normal for Yuya, because Yugo was a certified idiot, or so Yuri had stated. Speaking of, Yuri went over to yuya's side. "Yuya, are you ok?" The cabbage head asked.  Obviously he wasn't, Yuya was bent down and crying. 

"Yuya, I think I'll take over" posed the eggplant head.

As a white-like curtain froze over Yuya, it was swiftly replaced by a sighing Yuto, while Yugo and Yuri were attempting to comfort their crying sibling. As Yuto was scanning his surroundings, he couldn't help but notice something... "Yuya...." He said 

Yuya had finally calmed down. As Yuto dissapeared, Yuya appeared. As Yuya looked at the situation, he looked shocked. 

"A-a bird head?!?! Wait does that guy have tin foil skin?!? And t-that guy has tape arms! Where the heck are we!" 

Although Yuya was too stunned to speak, the students he was pointing at, surely weren't. 

Yuto slapped his face, the idiot had said it too loud. 

Meanwhile- (class 1A/1B's perspective) 

After being overworked by the 'pussy cat' heroes, Midoriya was wiped out. Who could blame him, he just got kicked in the a-hem never mind but, he was still awake for dinner. That is until he heard " A-a bird head!?!" Midoriya quickly turned around to see a boy with a white hood on, Midoriya couldn't see his face, but he could tell that the boy was younger than him, Midoriya looked closer to see green and red pieces of hair sticking out of the hood. "Wait does that guy have tin foil skin?!?" Testu testu looked visibly confused. "And that guy has tape arms! Where the heck are we?!?!" 

'We?' Midoriya wondered. He hadn't seen anyone behind he kid, and he didn't look like he had any pets. As students were visibly confused why a 15 (I know he's 14 but this is for the plot stay with me pls) year old guy was with them at a campsite in the middle of nowhere. 'I didn't see him before, maybe he has a teleporting quirk?' Just then Aizawa came to confront the boy.

"I don't know who you are, or what you're doing here. Aizawa took out his hero license up to the boy. 

"But as a pro hero, it's my duty to take you in, so slowly take off the hood, punk" 

"Wow it's like experiencing deja vu" as the boy slowly started to check his wrist. 

"Yuto, do you have a watch?" The boy then tilted his head to thin air. 

'Is he hallucinating? Or is it part of his quirk?' Just then Midoriya froze. 

"Shut up, and why are you talking to me anyway! We're supposed to be anonymous!" 

'Who was that?' Midoriya wondered

"Yeah, but it's not like they can hear us anyway!" 

Midoriya scoffed, he could 100 percent hear them, but he looked at the others, they just looked confused 'I think I'm the only one who can hear them' he pondered.

"This is the first time the idiot is right." 

"What! Hey take that back Yuri!" 

"In your dreams, fusion!" 

"I told you it's not fusion, it's Yugo! Y-U-G-O!!!" 

"Yuya, we have to get out of here, switch with me ok?" 

The boy, now named Yuya, looked up and nodded, just then, Midoriya watched in shock as a huge cloak rapped around the boy. 

Aizawa's POV. 

I looked in silence as this boy looked up at thin air, this entity named 'Yuto' I suppose, but I still need my evening coffee, and shit I'm fucking tired, I slowly let down my badge, seeing as though this kid seemed harmless, I started to let my guard down. But suddenly, a huge cloak brushed apon the boy. 'My lucky day' I pondered. 'Now I have another problem child to deal with' I quickly activated my quirk, expecting it to do something, but I was shocked to see another boy replacing the original boy, with purple and black hair, ragged clothes, but the same jacket the first boy was wearing. 

"Dark anthelion dragon! Lightning disobey! (Fuck I haven't read the manga in a while)" 

Just then, a huge dragon appeared, as the boy leaped on its back, and flew away, leaving me in utter shock. 'What the hell? Why didn't my quirk work on him?!?!' The problem children were stirring up chatter, so I had to tell them to shut up in the nicest way possible.

"Class, shut up, we will get to the bottom of this, just eat your food for now." 

I sighed. 'Well he couldn't have gone that far with a giant dragon like that, but where...'

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