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Sadly Yuto was inside the marble once Yugo and Yuri started fighting again. Yuya could barely contain his annoyance, quickly drifting away from the marble, he was shocked. He saw the same Green haired guy he had encountered in the cave, all bandaged up, but still looking like he was going to pass out any second. He was being carried by a huge guy with, wait multiple arms?

'Where in the living heck am I?!?!' Yuya started to freak out.

As Yuya observed more closely, he made another inference 

'None of them are wearing duel disks' he thought.

He looked at his own, and started to tinker a bit 

'Whew, luckily my duel disk is the same!' Yuya sighed, as he slowly drifted back to where Yugo and Yuri were fighting, luckily they realized this was no time for a cat fight, and both of them shut up, but unluckily, it was his turn to be in the marble. 

And Yuya slowly drifted to sleep, all of his thoughts rose to his head. 

'Is Yuzu ok?'

 'Whatever happened to Reji?' 

'I hope Sawatari and Kurosaki are ok' 

'Man, being in this marble stinks' 

'If Yugo was in here, would be have his duel runner with him?'

Yuya kept his thoughts to himself and he slowly drifted asleep, after all being stuck in a marble Was like watching paint dry off a wall. "OI! TOMATO FREAK! WAKE THE HELL UP!" 'Who the hell?' The so called 'tomato freak' started to wake up. As he slowly started to get up, he noticed the huge change in his settings. 'Is this.... A bar?' A half-asleep Yuya wondered. While checking his surroundings, noticed a few individuals around the bar wearing, fashionably questionable outfits.

"Wait, what?", saying it out loud really snapped him back into reality. As his eyes flooded the room, he turned to the sound he originally heard. 'It's that guy! From before!' As he observed more, he froze. 'Oh shit....' Yuya, now looking at the tied up Bakugo, he immediately started to check himself, pulling on the sad chains of realizations. Yuto, who had realized Yuya had finally woke up, started to worry. 

'Oh shit! I've been kidnapped!!!!!!' 

Yuya started to scream in his head, he had to get out somehow. "Kugogiri!" The guy with hands for decorations screamed at the... 'wait what?' Yuya observed the black and purple, thingy- which had been just yelled at by the hand guy. "Why is this kid here! We were only told to bring Katsuki Bakugo!"

'Is bakugo his name?' He looked up at the screaming Pomeranian next to him, something about him made him cringe. As Yuya continued to check himself, he noticed something. 

'I still have my duel-disk!' His hands weren't tied up like 'Bakugo' or so he thought, so he checked to see if his cards were still in his deck. 

'They're still here!' Yuya was slowly scheming a way out, much to Yuri's delight, unfortunately all three of his brothers were in a corner, Yuto obviously trying to stop Yugo and Yuri from playing the blame game. 

"Come on it's not my fault Fusion wasn't alert enough!" 

"Alert?!?! If you had switched with Yuya before he had fallen sleep, life would be so much easier!" 

"Guys guys! I don't know what's happening, but we are unable to switch with Yuya at the

Moment, so just calm down before I lose It!!!!!" 

Yugo and Yuri respectively shut up.

While Handy-man and void man were talking, Yuya had finished his scheme. 

"Hey," Yuya whispered, it caught the guy's attention, because he glared at him with a death stare. "Look, I know this is the first time we've officially met, but I don't think you'd wanna be tied up any longer, so just trust me, ok?" Bakugo looked even more angry. "LIKE HELL I AM , JUST GET ME OUT OF HERE EXTRA!!!!!" 

'What a great way to alert the enemy' Yuya sweatdropped, before the villains had time to do anything, Yuya inserted his cards in his duel disk, and in his chair he called out. 

"I use Scale 8 Odd-eyes Mirage Dragon, and Scale 1 Odd-eyes Persona dragon to set the pendulum scale! I'm now allowed to summon monsters from levels 2-7 all at once!" 

"Shut! Kugogiri what is that?!?!" Handy-man said has the two dragons (Persona And Mirage) shot up into two identical blue pillars, across from each other, Yuya's duel disk had the words 'pendulum' written across.

"Come out! Odd-Eyes Phantom Dragon!" 

As the skeleton-like dragon shot out, it roared, much to the villains display. 

"Everyone evacuate!!!" The poor dragon was destroying the bar they were in, and villains were fleeing left and right.

As Odd-eyes roared, the dragon maimed the chains off of Yuya and Bakugo, hoisting them both on his back. "Go! Phantom dragon! Lead us somewhere safe!" 

And then with a bang they were on their way!

'I wish I could put on a show though...' Yuya thought as he dragged the angry Pomeranian to safety, but they came across someone, or 


Phantom-the new hero!  (Arcv manga x mha)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang