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"Now.... I leave it up to you" The overly-skinny man was saying, he was coughing up blood, but what he was really concerned for was the guy next to him. 

"No....." Bakugo couldn't say anything. 

"All-might" Bakugo looked like tearing up. 


"DAMMIT..!!" Yuya flinched as the sobbing Bakugo 

As the Bakugo rescue squad approached, they stopped to notice the huge behemoth of a dragon, with the same tomato head on top of it. 

"Wait... is that-" 

"KACCHAN!" The Bakugo rescue squad raced towards the dragon, as Yuya looked as clueless as ever. 

"Did I miss something?" The perplexed Yugo said, Yugo, silently looking at the reunion, would have nodded in agreement, if it wasn't for Yuya.

"Ok guy's so we don't know where we are, we don't know how we got here, what exactly teleported us here?" Yuto inquired.

"Man, I don't care, let's just dip!" 

"Shut up fusion! How are we gonna get away with Yuya summoning a huge-ass dragon to the field!" 

"You did not just say what I think you did!" 

"What? Fusion" 

"Ok ok guys I'm sorry for summoning Odd-eyes, but please just stop talking!" 

Yugo and Yuri obviously didn't listen, as they kept bickering, the only shut up when Yuto explained.

"Your giving Yuya migraines" 

Boy, did that shut them up quick, but it was too late now, as Bakugo and his rescue team approached him. 

"So... you were the one at the training camp, right?" Midoryia slowly exclaimed.

"Uhhh, yes! I'm Yuya Sakaki, nice to meet you!" 

"Yuya you idiot! At this point, you should just scream your secrets for the whole world to hear!" 

Screamed Yuri. Yuya, 100% not getting the memo, continued. 

"So, what's your name?" The broccoli boy smiled. 

"My name is Izuku Midoryia!" 

"OI DEKU!" Mr boom boom ran over to where Midoryia and Yuya were talking. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE VILLAIN?!?" The Yu boys looked shocked, 

'Did he just call me/Yuya a villain?!?!' 

"I'm sorry, I think you mistaken-"

"SHUT UP VILLAIN, IM GONNA BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!" Bakugo, still recovering from all might's proclamation, was starting to tear up.

"And all might, our greatest hero...."  He cried. Midoryia, who had no idea what was going on, turned to where the unconscious (SKINNY AS HELL-) allmight was. 



Hey guys! I'll be sure to update more frequently:>

Sorry if this is short

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