09 : Big Bike

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Third Person

"Now how do you know I like salad?", Fourth asked confused as Gemini handed him a bowl of salad covered in mayonnaise. "This time I'm sure its not a common thing for everyone in Thailand."

"Oh I saw you've been eating salad since my first day here.", the older replied.

Fourth narrowed his eyes as if in disbelief and doubt. "Yeah? Are you sure?", he asked suspiciously, making Gemini let out a nervous laugh. "Yes nong. One hundred percent sure."

The younger nodded. "Hm.. okay I believe you.", he chuckled, sitting cross legged on his bed leaning against the headboard as he held the salad bowl on his lap.

"Thank god.", the older whispered quietly. "Anyway, what are we watching?", he questioned before placing himself next to Fourth on the bed.

"Something funny and interesting to distract me from the breakup.", Fourth said as his finger scrolled down the Netflix page on his iPad screen. "How about My Love Mix Up?", he read the title.

The older raised his eyebrows. "Isn't that a Japanese BL?", he remembered the Future Fourth always wanted him to watch the drama, but he would decline the offer, saying he didn't like that kind of cheesy highschool love story.

"Yep!", Fourth grinned.

"And you said you were straight.", Gemini chuckled, shaking his head. They ended up binged watching several episodes of the drama while eating the salad.

A few hours passed, Gemini suddenly realized that Fourth was starting to feel drowsy. He unconsciously rested his head on the older's shoulder. Gemini then tilted his head to the side. "Fourth?", he called.


"You should sleep now. Its getting late."

"But theres only two episodes left.", Fourth looked up at Gemini with his tired sleepy eyes. "We can continue tomorrow alright?", the older said turning off the iPad and put it on the bedside table.

The younger finally gave in and nodded.

Gemini smiled, he gently pushed Fourth's body to lay down before tucking him with the blanket. "Goodnight Nong Fotfot.", the older said stroking the boy's hair. He then picked up the empty salad bowl as he stood up from the bed.

"P' Gem, are you really taking me out on a date tomorrow?"

"Only if you want to."

Fourth didn't reply, instead just smiled at Gemini. "You can sleep in the guest room, you know? No need to sleep on the couch anymore.", he pointed towards the wall, indicating the room next door.

Gemini raised his eyebrows. "Oh so now you trust me enough?", he chuckled.

Fourth blushed. "Yeah but- erm you see, our rooms will be connected to the same bathroom. So.. please lock the door when you're having business in there."

"Noted nong.", Gemini chuckled once again. "Anything else?", Fourth quickly shook his head. "Nope."

"Okay then, sweet dream kiddo.", said the older before stepping out of the room with the empty bowl in his hand. He also turned the lights off on his way out.

"You too.", Fourth whispered softly as his eyes followed Gemini until the man disappeared behind the door. He smiled to himself, staring at the ceiling of his dark bedroom until he slowly fell asleep.



The next day after coming home from school, I hurriedly ran upstairs to my bedroom to get ready. Gemini said earlier that our date would start in about an hour.

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