15 : Explanation

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"Gem, how much longer?"

"Just a moment baby. We're almost there.", I said leading Fourth's hand out of the car. He was wearing a cloth covering his eyes, walking like a blind person.

I stopped when we arrived in front of a two-story bungalow house. Then I stood behind Fourth and untied the fabric at the back of his head.

“Gem? Is this–”, he gasped as soon as his vision met the sight of the house. My baby turned to me once with glassy eyes.

I smiled before hugging his waist from behind. "Yes my love, this is our new home.", I put my chin on his shoulder. "What do you think? Do you like it?"

"Are you kidding? I love it!", he shouted excitedly as he turned his body to face me and hugged me tightly. "I swear to god, Gemini Norawit, you're the best boyfriend in the world!", he exclaimed, pecking my lips.

I chuckled. "Shall we go inside?"

"Yes please.", he giggled.

And so I brought him into the house. The atmosphere of a comfortable new home began to invade the living space. I turned to Fourth and observed his reaction.

He seemed to be in a trance. "Gem, I knew you loved me since the day you confessed on my doorstep. But I never knew it would be this much.", he babbled.

I frowned. "When did I do that?"

Fourth grimaced. "Ah nothing. Come on now, show me our room!", he grinned and pulled my hand to the staircase. I just shrugged and followed him upstairs.

We checked the guest room first before I finally opened the master bedroom door, finding a fully furnished bedroom. My eyes instantly caught the queen size bed that looked so soft and comfortable.

I smiled mischievously at Fourth. "Should we test the bed, my love?"

"For what?", he asked innocently.

I smirked as I gently pushed Fourth's body until he fell on the bed. "Gemini, my love, what are you doing? Its still early in the day for sex.", he complained as he laid on the bed while his eyes kept staring at me.

"Its never too early for me whenever you're around, sweetheart.", I replied lustily as I climbed on top of him. My hands started to undo the cloths that covered his body to make my job easier.

Once my baby was naked without a single piece of clothing on his body, my lust started to burn and swell even more.

"Unbuckle my belt, baby boy.", I ordered, my eyes darkened.

Fourth who was lying beneath me was now blushing red. "You and your never-ending lust, huh!", he grumbled and pouted but still did as he was told.

That day, I poured all my love on him, and that bed was a new witness of our love.


"That was the day we moved into our own house for the first time.", I told Fourth the flasback story as he looked at our pictures on my phone.

But don't worry, of course I skipped the 'test the bed' part, because now Fourth was still underage and a minor.

"We bought a house together?"

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