Top of the Food Chain

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Nate's POV

Man, today was a good day. I made my teacher cry like the bitch she is. Well, I didn't actually see her cry, but my ex-girlfriend Cassandra told me that after I was sent to the front office, Ms. Teacher went to the room next-door to cry. The whole class heard it!

Do I feel bad? Hell no! The bitch shouldn't have said that my current grades would get me nowhere in life! What the hell does she know? My mom's rich enough to buy or bribe for me anything in life. I don't even need a job!

It's a good thing dad's in prison, otherwise he'd probably try to attack someone at this school again. Most people are afraid of me because of it! I'm always at the top of the food chain! I get all the bitches!

Earlier today, before school started, I was able to sneak into the girl's bathroom with my new girlfriend Britney's help, and have some fun with her. Plus there's no cameras on the inside of the school, so we really don't have to worry about anyone catching us besides teachers. God, she is the best damn girlfriend out there! Yeah, that was fun.

What else happened today...I know something else happened today...I was leaving the principal's office and...oh yeah! I taught that freak chick a lesson! I beat her so frequently that sometimes I forget when its happened! She had to see the principal almost at the same time I was getting scolded for yelling at my teacher. She had those empty greenish-grey eyes like she always does. Heheheh, I wonder if Alice and her gang got to her again. Honestly, she's so damn disgusting. How can she live with herself? I wouldn't be surprised if she killed herself later. I had to momentarily leave the office in order for the principal to help her stop crying. Once she finally quit her whining, she walked out of the principal's office without even looking at me. This bitch! Who doesn't want to look at me? Oh yeah, this bitch is technically two people. I'll just have to hurt the one that doesn't like me. She was still signing out in the main office, barely paying attention to much of anything.

"Hey! Raine!" I called out. She made the mistake of turning her head as I pulled my hand back. A foot and a half away from her, I smacked her across the face, instantly feeling a sting in my hand, watching her collapse on the floor. My hand was red, and looking at that freak, I saw that I split her lip. "That's what you get you fucking freak!" I yelled.

"Nate! What have you done!?" The door to the principal's office slammed open, and Mrs. Morrison-the principal-pushed me out of the way to tend to Raine. I sat down in one of the main office chairs, smiling menacingly at the principal as she radioed for the nurse, and two guidance counselors. Raine didn't cry though, as creepy as that is. She just kind of blankly stared at the principal as she was comforted by her.

The nurse arrived, along with the two guidance counselors, and the nurse brought a first aid kit to save the day. Too bad she can't use it to make my poor hand feel better. At least get me some hand sanitizer for touching her, damn. The guidance counselors helped Raine into a chair where the nurse could work on her better. Oh shit! Now a bruise is forming! Damn, I hit her good. Once she was settled, the two guidance counselors grabbed me by the shoulders rougher than I expected, picking me up out of the chair, and turned me to face the principal.

"" Mrs. Morrison began "are so out of my school! You are expelled from my school and you are to leave the premises immediately!"

"What? I only hit her! It's not like I-"

"No, that's it, this is the final time! This is the 17th time you've injured a student in your high school years. Obviously you haven't learned from all the times you've been suspended. Well I'm done. Go rot at some other school, cause you won't be bringing my school down."

I tried shaking the counselors arms off of my shoulders so I could teach this bitch a lesson too, but they were too strong. Shit, maybe I should've skipped school with Braden after all.

"Someone will go to collect your bookbag. Is there anything else you have at this school that you'd like to have brought to you? Besides your girlfriend? I'm afraid she's actually concerned about school."

"Maybe a few flavored condoms out of my gym locker? Wouldn't want those to go to waste."

"Funny. Great, someone will grab those too. Now get the hell out of my school, and wait out front!"

"But isn't there a paper I have to sign? I can't very well sign it if I'm outside!"

"It will be mailed to you in a week. Donovan, Rick, please remove this trash from my eyesight." This fucking bitch. She's not allowed to talk to students like this! Although... I'm not a student anymore...Oh well. I tried lunging at her again, but was instead whipped around towards the front door of our school. They didn't say much of anything as they pushed me through the doors, and I'm glad they didn't. I have a mouthful for these guys too. They let me go, and walked back inside, one heading for my bookbag, and the other heading for my locker. I sat down on the grey pavement, thankful for the bricks overhead, shielding me from the afternoon heat. A few minutes later, the two assholes returned with my stuff, and threw the damn shit at me! Can you believe it? What dicks! I sat up, and started towards my truck, backpack and condoms in hand, thinking of what else happened today.

Hah. I got expelled. Well, I'm a senior, so getting into a new school won't be hard. Or, maybe I could just go ahead, and re-enroll in this school? Who cares? Eh, mom will figure this out for me. But hey! At least I finally got a chance to smack that freak. Ugh. I still need hand sanitizer. Maybe I will go to Braden's house after all. I got in my truck and decided I'd go to Braden's house after stopping at the gas station for a cigarette. Yeah, today was a good day.

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