Badly Broken

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Raine's POV

I could still feel the blood flowing from my lip, even after the nurse applied two gauze pads to stop the bleeding. This really sucks. Each time she applied pressure to the cut, I winced, and the more I winced, the more pressure she had to use to keep them there. There was a sting in my lip as the nurse applied alcohol wipes, and I had to restrain myself from wincing or crying. I could feel a tear forming in my eye, but I quickly blinked it away. I really hate that narcissistic jerk. He hit me harder than usual. I hope he's finally gone...don't let it turn into another suspension.

"Hey Raine? How're you feeling?" my Aunt asked as she strode into the office.

Rather than talking with alcohol wipes on my face, I gave her a thumbs-up indicating that I was alright...though it is quite clear that I'm not. I averted my gaze as the tear slid down my face.

"Hey, it's okay, he's gone. You don't have to worry about him anymore." She used two fingers to wipe the tear off my face, and lightly ruffled my hair around. The principal, my aunt, is always like this with me. To be more specific, she's my mother's sister, and she also happens to be the very same aunt who just expelled one of my worst nightmares. At some times, she can be more protective than my father.

The nurse stood up, and threw the wipes in the nearest wastebasket before asking me not to talk for the next 5 minutes so the wound could heal. She left without another word, leaving me, the principal, and whoever else was working in the office alone.

The principal turned her head towards me. "You can wait in here for the time being, Raine." I nodded, trying not to tear open the cut again. If I have to wait five minutes, then it must be pretty wide. But doesn't that mean I'd need stitches?

"Do you want to go home early? You can if you want to." I shook my head.

I have to stay here, and make sure no one hurts Her.

"Are you sure?" I nodded again. She looks doubtful. She looked me over to make sure 'I was alright', before disappearing behind the door to return to her office.

Everything went quiet, except for the repetitive tapping on the keyboards from the workers at the front desk. I sighed, happy to have some time to myself. I reached into my back pocket, checking for my phone, and only felt empty denim material. Shoot. I think it's still in my bag...and my bag is still in the locker room. I just hope that They aren't still in the locker room too. I didn't even have time to clean myself up, let alone grab my bookbag. Once They finished, I only had time to run here.

The principal popped her head out of her office, catching me off guard. "That reminds me! Angeline, can you call Alice Gates down to the office?" In a lower voice, she said "Raine, you can leave now if you want." I stood up, and silently exited the office. Please, please don't let me run into her in the hallway.

I tiptoed down the hallway listening for anyone that could be out and about like me. It sounds like I'm the only one in any of the hallways. What a relie-

"Alice Gates, please report to the main office. Alice Gates please report to the main office. Thank you."

Shoot! Shoot! Shoot! I started running, and even though I knew I'd only make more noise, I didn't stop until I reached the entrance to the locker room. I took a few seconds to catch my breath, and calmly opened the heavy door in front of me.

Inside, I tried closing the door quietly, but the handle slipped from my grasp, and slammed shut. Grghh! Darnit! I cringed and my height decreased, as if that would help me from being spotted. There's no shuffling I don't think anyone's in here. I arched my back up into its original position. I really didn't have to cringe that badly just from a bang.

If no one messed with it, my bookbag should still be by the showers. I sauntered over to the showers, not letting my guard down. I peeked around one of the shower stalls, and located my bag, exactly where I left it. Now I just have to go over there and grab it. I reached my bag, and amazingly, there wasn't anything on it. I threw the green bookbag over my shoulder, double-checking to make sure I didn't leave anything of mine behind. Nothing...time to go to physics. I walked out of the locker room, continuing to avoid any attention. But with the extra weight of my bag, my footsteps sound louder.

This school used to be beautiful. There's blue, and orange decorating the walls and lockers, but with all the past events that I've been through, it's more like a scene out of a 1970's horror movie. However, the students are the only monsters here.

Everyday, I have to deal with every jerk like Nate in this school. Despite how scary Nate can be sometimes, there are still some people that are much, much worse. Whether it's the group of boys in the hall threatening to rape me, the popular kids beating me just cause it's the new, hip, thing to beat up the hermaphrodite, and general name-calling by basically anyone that's here.

Sure I could move to another school, but what if someone hurts Her? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I can't imagine what I'd do without Her.

Shoot...I'm here. Physics class. I nonchalantly opened the door, ducking my eyes from everyone's glare. Because of all the bullying, and attacks, I no longer need a late pass. The teachers just assume that I've had another bullying issue, and continue whatever they're doing without thought.

From what I could see after glancing at the whiteboard, Mrs. Berrinaut is, again, trying to address wavelength to the apathetic students. Good thing I already know all of this.

Keeping my head down, I took a seat next to my lab partner. The only person who gives me the strength to still attend this school, and even stay alive. Her.

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