In The Same Room

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Hope's POV

I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair, one hand above my eyes to keep the suds from getting into them, the other wearily resting at my side.

Jeez, I thought Ms. Drummel would never let me take a shower. Thank god she's my yoga and study hall teacher, otherwise I'd have to peruse across the school, just to ask my teacher, and walk all the way back! I already nearly died from exhaustion in yoga earlier. Today's trimester exam was just unforgiving! Flexibilty, holding, and endurance!? I don't know how I managed to survive all 55 minutes of that ridiculousness. It's funny how yoga is supposed to be beneficial for the mind and the body, but right now, only my mind has benefitted from all this training. At least the shower is hot. My muscles are killing me.

The locker room showers here are spaceous, relaxing and surprisingly...clean! With its black marble walls, sparkling rainfall shower heads, and the sunken in floors stained pure white, the showers are one of the most relaxing places in school. Most kids that attend this school call the showers "The Hotel" simply because the showers would remind anyone of a fancy five-star hotel. Couples also come to "The Hotel" and uh..."relieve stress". It's super easy for them to sneak in since there's no cameras in the school. Considering the schools 10 year record, you'd think they'd put some cameras in by now.

At the moment, I'm the only one in these mysteriously luxurious showers.

Actually...saying my mind has benefitted is pretty vague. In a more descriptive term, I've noticed that since I've started yoga, my grades have improved, and I almost always feel relaxed. On the other hand, I'm constantly tired, and I'll feel physically vulnerable for the rest of the day.

But Mom's finally proud of me again...and that's all I want. I know nothings wrong with my decision, so why is she treating me like I'm a disease? Its not my fault I don't happen to-


I shut the shower off as quickly as I could.

Was that the locker room door? It sounded like an I-beam just fell! Did a guy just wander in here? Maybe it was a really frustrated girl?

I remained quiet, not even moving to dry myself off. I have to listen to their breathing, and see if it it's a guy or not. The person started moving again. It sounds like they're trying to be very they're trying to be sneaky...I should get out of here! What if it is a guy? What if he finds out I'm in here?

Slowly, they sneaked passed my stall, completely uninterested in the showers, and whatever was inside. They stopped two stalls from me, and in that time, I could hear her breathing. Good, so it's not a guy at all. I could hear her fidgeting with the backpack that I saw near the showers earlier. Maybe it was hers?

I silently unlocked my shower stall, and peeked outside, viewing her for a brief second. Her black hair swung to the side as she tossed her bookbag over her shoulder. Strange, I've never seen her before.

Though...I'm not exactly the type to make friends, so there's still a lot of people here that I haven't "seen" yet.

She turned around suddenly and I panicked, thinking that she had spotted me. Instead, she looked at her feet, double-checking that she didn't leave anything behind. She lifted her head up, a band-aid noticeably sitting on her bottom lip.

She looks super depressed by something. Maybe I should ask her if she's alright...actually that might not be such a good idea. I should just leave her alone. I don't want to be a bother...and plus, I'm sure she'll get startled if I step out now. But maybe I should...she does look really-

There was a soft click as the girl closed the locker room door behind her. Oh...she already left. Not like I would've been able to talk to her anyway. I'd embarrass myself trying to come up with words just for a regular conversation with her.

I have to find a way to start making friends already. It's the end of the first trimester, and I still haven't made any friends.

By the end of this month, I'll make some okay friends, and maybe at least one best friend. And...I'll get Mom to finally accept my decision.

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