Rainy days

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Adanna stumbled her way home as the wind blew against her face and almost flew away her wig. She had to use her hand to firmly hold her wig in place and protect her bald head from exposure. She looked at her watch, it was still three p.m yet everywhere was so dark and the stormy clouds in the sky was enough proof that a heavy downpour was coming. "Wow, just wow!!"she said. "Just the one day that I did not pack my umbrella in my handbag". Every other person on the street of Awada did not seem disturbed by the change in the weather. The little children were still running around and playing their favourite games. The adults were still going about their daily activities with either their umbrellas or raincoats. She started wondering whether the heartbreak she is going through is also playing with her mind and making her hallucinations feel a lot more realistic. Not soon after, the heavy downpour started but Adanna still could not bring herself to remove her wig and put in her bag to prevent it getting damaged, instead she kept walking home under the rain. Rainy days used to be her favourites until today. She had met Michael under a shed where they had both ran under to avoid the rain six years ago. It would seem like a Korean drama to anyone whom she told the story of how they both first met. She was really cold and Michael gave her his jacket to wear when he noticed. He looked like a character from a story book precisely the male lead. His brown eyes were alluring and enchanting. His voice sounded so deep and captivating. His masculinity was extruding from all parts of his body. His muscles looked as though they were sculpted and indeed the sculptor had done a great work . Adanna's heart was beating as loud as an engine that was lacking oil and deep inside of her she knew her heart was no longer hers. They parted ways without exchanging any information about themselves, all she had was his jacket and Adanna hoped and prayed she would see him again. Adanna started loosing hope of ever seeing him again until 24th of May 2014, a day she could never forget. She had met him at a shopping mall, they just stood there and stared at each other for a while before bursting into a laughter. Meeting her hot crush again was something Adanna called a miracle. They had lunch together that day and exchanged their contacts . Three weeks after that day they started dating and anyone who saw them could see that they were madly in love with each other or so she thought.

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