The fatal accident

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His mother eventually owned up that she was the one that set them up after he lost his cool and shouted at her for the first time. He slept over at Adanna's house that night but never told her what happened because he didn't want to see her heartbroken instead he avoided Samantha as much as possible and he eventually moved out of his parent's house despite all his mother's pleas. Michael was going to propose to Adanna the day they had that fatal car accident that left Adanna in a coma for three months . He was so devastated when the doctor informed him that Adanna was in a coma and no one knew when she would wake up. " It is all my fault!!! It's is all my fault!! I should not have driven after drinking!!" He screamed as he wept bitterly. All that was on his mind was that Adanna could end up dying and for the first time since he was ever born, Michael fell on his knees and prayed. He had never actually knelt and said a full prayer by himself before. Most times when Adanna would force him to pray with her, he would only mutter a few words and be stuck then Adanna would have to continue the prayer for him. He had never been able to say more than three sentences but at that very moment words were just flowing out of his mouth like water that when his mother arrived at the hospital, she was shocked that he was her son. It was one a.m when his mother managed to drag him back home for him to get some rest. From then on Michael would visit the hospital everyday, sit beside Adanna and read romance novels, her favorite genre to her or tell her how his day went at work while hoping each day that she would wake up and he would get to see her beautiful eyes again.

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