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Michael continued his daily life routine of going to work from home then visiting Adanna in the hospital till eleven p.m before heading home for a months until one day when he got home and saw a big brown envelope lying on the ground on his front porch. He opened the envelope and emptied the contents inside. Lots of pictures, a phone and a flash drive was all that fell out of the envelope. The pictures were all photos of Adanna hanging out with some other man. In one of them she was entering a hotel with the man and in some she was having dinner with him while in others she was either kissing him or hugging him. Michael was very shocked but still could not bring himself to believe those pictures because they could have been photoshopped. He turned on the phone and saw that the wallpaper was that of Adanna and the man she was with on the photos. He checked the medical ID and saw that it was Adanna's phone and all the pictures in her gallery was that of Adanna and her mystery man but what confused him was that he had never seen Adanna with this phone unless she had hidden it very well that he never seen it all those times he slept over at her place. He plugged in the flash drive into his laptop and saw sex tapes of Adanna and the man in the pictures. Michael was so devastated and heartbroken that his Adanna whom he thought was so pure had been cheating on him all along . He stopped visiting the hospital, stopped going to work and started drinking . A week later, Samantha paid him a visit, she said she wanted to check up on him and see if he was doing alright. She cleaned up his messed up house, cooked him a nice meal and dragged him to the bathroom where she forced him to take shower. That night she slept over at his house and they did what his mom had always wanted. A few weeks later Samantha came over to his house to inform him that she was pregnant, she had told his mother as well and  she was so happy that she got them engaged immediately to avoid unnecessary side talks. A week after their engagement, Michael got a call from the hospital that Adanna had woken up. Despite all the hatred Michael had for her, he still could not stop himself from rushing to the hospital to see her afterall the accident was because of his carelessness. While he escaped with a few injuries and burns, she ended up in coma. When he got to the hospital and saw her, he hugged her very tightly and could not stop tears from flowing down then he pulled her away when he remembered all he had seen that day. He wanted to confront her and pour out all his hate but the doctor had demanded that she should not be stressed or be put through any kind of shock. Adanna looked so worn, weak, lean and tired. Her looked sunken and her baldness did not help. She seemed so disoriented so he took her home and took care of her for weeks despite all his mother's threatening words. To him, he was doing his last good deed for her since he was the reason why she was in that condition but to Samantha and his mother, he still had intense feelings for her that he was really bad at hiding. But they gave him the time he needed since he promised to break up with her during their sixth anniversary so she could feel twice the pain he felt when he saw those pictures. Samantha and his mother never missed the opportunity to remind him every day that Adanna had hurt him and Michael never tried to do the one thing that was really important in all relationships.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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