chapter 1

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Ring ring.
"I'll get it",Lilly exclaimed
When Lilly picked up the phone and was greeted by a rough mans voice
"Hello" the man said
"Hello" she said uncertainly
"Is this the Robinson residence?"
"Yes why?" She questioned
"No reason" and with that the phone was slammed down.
Lilly sat there for a minute. Confused.
"Lilly" her parents called from upstairs.
Lilly got up and began walking upstairs. She tripped over the rug and fell against the staircase. Her head slammed against the hand rail. Hard. And she blacked out.
"LILLY" her parents yelled.
Her mother grumbled and went downstairs to find Lilly passed out on the floor. Her mother yelled for her father. He came downstairs and saw Lilly at the foot of the stairs. He scooped her up and brought her to the car and sped to the hospital.

"Lilly", someone whispered.
She slowly opened her eyes and was blinded by the white lights on her ceiling. She didnt remember her lights being blinding.
Lilly sat up and asked,"where am i?"
"At the hospital honey" her father answered.
"What?" She was immensly confused.
"After you started towards the staircase, you must have tripped on the rug and hit your head on the stairs. The doctors and i have been trying to wake you up for hours."
And with that her father got up and walked away. She leaned her head back and fell asleep.

"I'll get it" yelled Melissa.
"Hello"greeted a voice on the phone.
"Yes" she replied
"Is this the Robinson residence?"
"Yes it is"
"May i speak to Victoria Robinson?"
"Sure" Melissa turned from the phone and yelled for her mother.
"Coming" Victoria replied and ran down the stairs.
"You wanted to speak to me" she said.
"Yes. Your daughter, Lilly Robinson, has been reported missing." Replied the operator.

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