chapter 6

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"Huh. This place is a dump. Where'd you go." She fake searches for him. "Oh found you, it was so hard among all the trash. You blended right in."

Keith smacked her face, leaving a red handprint on her cheek. "You must think you're so funny," he sneers.
"I've been told that," she replies, ignoring the stinging in her face.
"You should probably shut -"
"Yeah, no. Nice try."
He smacks her again. "Dont interrupt me," he threatens.
"Or what?"
"Or," he thinks for a moment. "Im gonna kill you."
"Mkay buddy,"
"Im serious,"
"Sure you are."
"You're absolutely obnoxious,
"I know," she smirks. "I try,"
Keith gets fed up and holds a cloth to her face. Soon, the world fades to black.



When she opened her eyes, Azazel was in her line of sight.
"Come with me if you want to live." He said.
"What?" Lilly asked.
He begins to untie her bonds. "Keith left to go get his murder kit... we dont have very long."
"Why are you helping me?"
"Because i wasn't a part of this, and it's wrong. Now, are you coming or not."
Lilly stands up and starts to fall. Azazel catches her and slings her over his shoulder and starts towards the door. He sets her down to open the door, then scoops her back up and climbs up the stairs.
He hears the front door open, and he swears under his breath. He feels along the wall for a pressure pad, which he presses. The walls open, revealing a secret passage way. He steps inside with her and flips a switch that closes the wall back up. He carries her for a few minutes before stopping and asking. "Can you walk, or do i need to carry you?"
"I can walk." Azazel sets her down, and they begin to walk deeper into the passage.
After a while, Lilly asks, "Why are you helping me."
"I already told you... because this is wrong."
"What's the real reason? Didn't you kidnap me?"
He turns to her, his 6'3 "frame towering over her 5'2" frame. "Do you really want the truth?"
"That would be nice, yeah."
"Ok, from the beginning?"
"I met Keith at my sisters wedding. He was the groom. We started getting to talking, and i guess he thought i would make a good accomplice. At first, i thought he was a good guy. After a while, he asked for a favor and told me he'd make it up to me. I came over, and he told me that he wanted to kidnap someone. I immediately tried to leave, but he threatened my sister, so i helped. He told me he had his eye set on a specific girl, and he had gotten her landline. I agreed to call it, only to protect my sister. While I called the number, he was stalking the house to make sure it was the right number."
He takes a deep breath before continuing. "He texted me and told me it was the right house, so i abruptly hung up. Then he told me that the girl was in the emergency room and that i was to stalk you until the perfect moment to kidnap you. You were unconscious, and your father had left the room. I took my moment and stole you. And the rest you already know."
"Oh my gosh, he's terrible." Lilly murmurs.
Azazel nods, and they keep walking. Eventually, they reach the end of the passage, and Azazel flips a switch that opens the wall. On the other side of the wall is Keith.
"Thought you could escape me?" He grins sadistically.

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