chapter 5

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"What?" Lilly asked
"You need to listen to me if you value your life." He replied.
"Are...are you threatening me?" She asked.
"No listen. I've seen you getting closer to Keith. You need to stop." He warned
"Why. Are you getting jealous?"
"No. He's using you."
"He's getting you to trust him, so it'll be easier to kill you later. "
"What?!" Lilly exclaimed
"Yes. Dont let him get to you. Got it. He's the real enemy here." He told her
"But why?"
"Because he thinks it's efficient. And he's done with your sarcasm."

Lilly's jaw dropped. She stared at the man for a minute, then spun on her heel and walked away. She ran into Keith. She stared at him and walked away.
"Lilly," he called after her
"Don't talk to me," she called back.
"So I take it, Azazel told you."
"Told me what? " She was playing dumb.
"Not to trust me," he said.
"What, no. Why would he do that? " she said, backing up as he got closer.
"Well, he's completely right."

Keith was getting closer and closer to Lilly. He walked up to her and held up a cloth. He pressed the cloth against her nose and mouth while holding her in place with his other arm. After a few minutes, she passed out. Keith picked up her limp body and brought her to a room in the basement. He tied her to a chair, gagged her, and left.

She awoke a few hours later with a stale taste in her mouth. She noticed her wrists and ankles were sore. She looked down and saw she was tied to a chair. She tried to break the bonds but got nowhere close to succeeding. She heard the door open and looked up to see Keith walk in. She glared at him. Slowly remembering what happened before she blacked out.

"Whats wrong," Keith mocked. "Cat got your tongue." He laughed.

She rolled her eyes at him as he laughed.
"Want me to remove your gag," Keith laughed. "I dont think so."

She struggled in her bonds. Keith walked over and removed her gag.
"Where am I?" She asked
"Your worst nightmare." Keith replied.

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