chapter 1

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Aurelia awoke to a knock on her door.  More like pounding. She got dressed and went downstairs to open the door. At the door were two  police officers and her two friends Rochelle and Scarlett behind them.
"Good morning officers", she greeted.
The head officer ignored her and said "Aurelia Jones, you are under arrest for the murder of Kaly Drake."
"What?" She questioned. "I dont even know who she is how would i have killed her.
The lead officer turned to the other officer and said, "Shes playing stupid watch and learn."
The lead officer turns to her and body slams her into the wall. He reaches around to hand cuff her. He then drags her to the police car and shoves her in. He beckons to the other officer who brings the girls to the car. The girls climb in the back and shut the door.
Aurelia turns to Rochelle. "Do they know they have the wrong people. They we're completely innocent."
I think they do but they are done searching." Rochelle replied.
After that the car was silent. They eventually made it to the police station. The girls were pushed out of the car and shoved into the station.
"What do we have here" said the receptionist.
"Dangerous criminals", the lead officer replied.
"Ahh i see. Looks like there is an empty cell for them."
"Good" and they leave.
The girls are forced down the hall and into a cell. The officers leave and the girls just stare. Eventually, they sit in a circle and make small talk.
"This makes me so mad!" Aurelia said. "I didnt do anything and there's no questioning or anything."
"I agree with that" said Rochelle.
"Do yall not know how this works. We've been marked as dangerous criminals. They don't want to come close to us."
And you know this because..." Rochelle replied.
Scarlett's answer was interupted by the cell door opening.
An officer timidly poked his head in and said, "It's time for your trial. Follow me."

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