chapter 5

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Scarlett stares at him, her face monotonous. She doesn't let him see the fear tearing her apart inside. He comes at her with the knife. He gets to her and cuts the ropes binding her wrists.
Scarlett exhales a sigh of relief.
"Did you seriously think i was going to stab you?" Maximilian asks.
"You were coming at me with a knife. And considering everyone thinks I'm a murderer..." Scarlett replies.
"Im not my father. And i dont believe you did it. These trials are usually pretty one-sided"
"You dont say," Scarlett says. "I couldn't tell."

No need for the sarcasm," he smiles.

"Sorry, i only speak sarcasm," She smiles.

"Lucky for you," he teases. "Im fluent in sarcasm." He chuckles
Scarlett stifles a laugh. "You're so funny," she says sarcastically.
"I know i am," he replies with a cocky grin.
Scarlett rolls her eyes, and Maximilian starts laughing. She tries to hide a smile but fails... miserably.

"She smiles," he teases.
"Shut up," she says, trying to be angry.
"I prefer to keep talking, thanks. My voice is beautiful... dont you think."
Scarlett rolls her eyes and keeps the look of amusement off her face... she fails... again. "It's hideous," she says.
"Im wounded," he jokes. "That hurt maroon."
"It's Scarlett."
"Same difference. Both shades of red."
"Whatever," she rolls her eyes.
"There we go with the eye roll because you know im right." He teases.
"Yeah, no. Im rolling my eyes because im annoyed."
"Sure, we'll go with that. But explain the blushing"
Scarlett feels her face heat up. "I tend to blush when im pissed off." She says, using the first thing that comes to mind.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night," he replies, not even trying to hide his snicker.
Scarlett bites her tongue so she doesn't laugh. She succeeds.
"MAXIMILIAN" the name rings throughout the house.

What did i do this time?" he mutters. "I trust you, but please dont go anywhere."
"I won't."
He opens his mouth but gets cut off by his name ringing through the house. He walks out the door to his father. As soon as the door closes, Scarlett stands up and paces.
"If we didn't do it, the real killers are put there somewhere." Scarlett mutters.
A woman with fiery red hair and olive eyes bursts through the window, causing glass to rain down on Scarlett. Two men follow shortly behind the women.
"That's one way to get into your house." The woman says. "Who are you?" She asks Scarlett.
"Scarlett and you are..."
"Im Thora Toge. This is Azael. " she points to the man with sandy hair. "And this is Alastair."
Thora makes her way to the door, then looks at Scarlett. "Have you seen my son, Max."
"Uh yeah, he went out that way."
"Thanks." Thora leaves the room. Azael and Alastair stay behind. Both stare at her, giving her a weird feeling, like shes seen them before. Then it hit her... these were the exact people she saw at the movie theatre with Aurelia.

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