chapter 2

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"The trial. Already. But we just got here." Rochelle said.
"," he stammered. "Follow me."
The girls got up and followed him. They walked down a long hall to get back to the lobby. He opened the door for them. They followed him to a car and got in. They drove for some stretch of time and eventually made it to the davensville head court. The officer shakily opened the door and let the girls out. The girls walked past him into the court. The officer took them down a narrow passage way around the back. Eventually, they made it to the room where their trial was.
"That took a while," Aurelia said.
"Yeah, my feet hurt," agreed Rochelle.
"Right, this w..wa...way," stammered the officer.
The girls followed him to the defendant box and patiently waited.

"Now rise in honor of Judge Din," bellowed a man's voice.
The whole court rose to their feet as a man walked in.
When he got to his seat, he said, "You may be seated."
The whole courtroom sat, and the trial proceeded.
"We are here today because these three allegedly unalived Kaly Drake. My job is to decide if that allegedly turns into a guilty. Prosecutor, please come to the stand."
The prosecutor stood and walked over to the defendant box.He paced back and forth in front of the girls. He finally stopped right in front of Aurelia.
"You, what's your name?" He questioned.
"My name is Aurelia Jones," she answered.
"Yes, thank you. And where were you on the night, Ms. Drake was murdered?"
"And which night would that be?"
"Friday, October 13. And I'll be the one asking questions from now on."
"Ok, thank you. You see, I was at the movies. I was watching some horror movies and gagging at the couples a couple rows in front of me."
"Why were you gagging at them?"
"You see, sir, they were being all lovey-dovey, and it really grossed me out. I'm not the type that's obsessed with love."
"Ok. And why were you at the movies on the night of Friday, October 13."
"Oh, you said night? Anyway, I was actually at Rochelles' house."
"And why were you at Rochelles' house?"
"Well, you see, sir, Rochelle had just gotten engaged, so I went over to celebrate. Soon after, Scarlett came over, and we ate and drank. At some point me and Rochelle got drunk, so scarlett drove me home."
"Thank you. That's all i need from you."
"He starts pacing again, and this time stops in front of Rochelle.
"You. What's your name?" He asked.
"I'm Rochelle. Rochelle Benson." She answered
"Ok, Ms. Benson, where were you on the night of Friday, October 13.?"
"I was at my house."
"Tell me your events from the day."
"Ok. So that morning, i woke up and went downstairs for breakfast. My boyfriend..."
"You said boyfriend?"
"Yes, because he was my boyfriend at the time."
"Anyway, my boyfriend was asleep upstairs, and I decided that I would make breakfast for the two of us."
"And what did you make?"
"Waffles, why does it matter?"
"It just does ok."
"Anyway, after we ate, he had to go to work..."
"And where does he work?"
"He works at the davensville hospital."
"Ok, ok."
"Yes. He went to work, and  i decided to go to the thrift store to see what they had. You know, like females do."
"Did you buy anything at the thrift store?"
"No, i kinda just looked around like one does. Then i went to the grocery store because we needed food."
"Did you buy anything there?"
"Yes, i bought some pasta and bread for lunch."
"Then what?"
"I went home, and my boyfriend was home, so i made lunch. We ate, and he went back to work. So i decided to watch some tv."
"And what did you watch?"
"I dont remember."
"And why not?"
"Because i wasn't paying attention."
"Why not?"
"Because i saw something outside."

Left yall on another cliff hanger. Im so evil.

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