Chapter 3

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The whole courtroom was silent.

"What did you see?" The lawyer asked.

"Well, you see, sir. I saw my fiancé walking with another girl. They were laughing together. Like they were in love. I looked closer, but I couldn't see you he was with. They reached the front porch, and she left. He walked in, and i acted like nothing was wrong. I looked back out the window and saw the girl. I saw a car pass and when it passed she was gone."
"And you didn't think anything of it?"he asked.
"I assumed that she ran off or something. But thinking back on it, it might have been that Kaly Drake girl. That might have been her real killers."
"And you didn't call the police or anything."
"No, i didn't think about it. Sorry."

The lawyer turned to Scarlett.
"Ma'am. What's your name?" He asked.
"Scarlett," she replied. "Scarlett Carmen."
"Ok, Ms. Carmen. What were you doing on Friday, October 13th?"
"I was at Aurelia's house hanging out. I had stayed the night at her house because i wasn't in the mood to deal with my boyfriend. I called Aurelia, and she said i could stay. We woke up that morning and decided to go to IHOP. After that, we went to the mall and walked around. We ate lunch at ¡Que So! That new mexican place. We wanted to try it. After lunch we went to the movies. And i was laughing at Aurelia. She was gagging at the couple in front of us. After the movie we went to some steak place for dinner. We got a call from Rochelle about her engagement. We stopped at Walmart to get some wine and went to Rochelle's house. Rochelle had a charcuterie board set up, and she and Aurelia started drinking."
"Why weren't you drinking?" The lawyer asked.
"Because I'm underage. Anyway, Rochelle's fiancé came downstairs, so we all congratulated him, and Aurelia got drunk. I had to drive her back to her house and we went to bed."
"Thats all? Could you describe the couple at the movies?"
"Sure. The man was about 6'2 with dark brown hair. The woman was 5'4 with blonde hair. After the movie they were laughing about a murder."

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