In a tight grasp - Chapter 3

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With ragged breaths, you sprint through the dimly lit corridors of the pizzeria, your heart pounding in your chest. The deafening thuds of your pursuer's footsteps echo through the eerie silence as you desperately try to put some distance between the two of you.

You're too scared to look back, knowing that the masked man is right behind you, but give in, risking a quick glance over your shoulder.

And here he is, a deranged man in a bunny suit, the mask locked in a chilling, murderous grin. The blade gleams menacingly in the faint light, sending shivers down your spine.

Why is this the thing that finally gets you going?

"See? It's so much more fun when you run!" A sinister voice taunts, and you hear the swish of a knife, followed by an immediate, searing pain in your shoulder. You stumble for a brief moment before gathering yourself and taking a sharp turn, forcing the man to collide with a wall. "This is exactly what we've been missing!"

Oh god, this guy is treating this like a game.

This definitely takes the cake for the weirdest foreplay you've ever engaged in. need to talk to your therapist about your coping mechanisms.

The masked man's maniacal laughter rings through the air, reminding you that however fucked up your fantasies might be, this is real. ...and dangerous.

As you take another abrupt turn, a partially open door catches your eye. Seeing it as your best chance, you dash toward it, swiftly slipping inside and closing it as quietly as your panicked state allows.


It's a supply closet.

A rather empty one, at that.

In the dim light of the small room, your frantic breaths echo off the cold, plain walls. The sparse shelves contain just a few abandoned items, leaving much of the room open and desolate. Some dusty cardboard boxes are stacked in one corner, sporting faded labels of supplies long forgotten. In the center of it, a bare desk, and just above it-

"A vent shaft!" You exclaim, unable to contain yourself. "My convenient way of escape."

You run towards the desk, getting on it as fast as your injured shoulder allows it. You quickly get on its wobbly surface, hands already gripping the vent's rusty lid. If you're lucky, the cover isn't welded shut and you'll be able to-

The door slams open, and a man's shadow is cast on the wall in front of you as your pursuer stands in the doorway. The silhouette vanishes as the man calmly flicks the light switch.

You glance over your shoulder, locking eyes with the masked man who leans against the doorway, effectively blocking your escape route with his entire mass.

He doesn't make any sudden moves, just stands there, seemingly amused as he... catches his breath?

However messed up it might sound, you feel proud of yourself for actually rising to the cruel challenge the killer set up.

"Didn't know you can outrun a rabbit, darling." The man says, voice somewhat ragged as he eyes you up and down. The feeling of deja vu washes over you and you're convinced you've heard his voice somewhere. But where?

"It isn't hard when you're wearing a full-body costume. I didn't know Halloween came early."

Yep, it's over.

Now you're dead dead.

The man bursts into laughter once more, using the hand that holds the knife to cover his face. You cock your eyebrow and turn making your back pressed against the wall, and slowly slide down so that you're seated on the desk.

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