Catch me if you can - Chapter 2 (fem version)

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"Just so you know, I don't really do this often." You say as the man pushes you gently onto his queen-sized bed, your shoes and coat already forgotten.

"Fooling around on the job or in general?" Steve asks, not even missing a beat as he climbs over you, loosening the tie on his neck with one hand. You don't have a chance to respond to his question as his mouth clashes against yours, making you fall back as your back comes in contact with the soft mattress.

Steve's other hand is on your hip, the man practically manhandling you as his fingers dig into your skin. Whatever you planned on saying beforehand is temporarily forgotten as his tongue enters your mouth.

You lie there, hands sprawled on the sides of your head as you move your tongue against his. Steve's setting an unforgivable pace, licking into your mouth as if he owns it, angling his head to get even deeper.

You know that you should make use of your hands too, put them on his face, his hips, his ass- but can't bring yourself to.

All your previous... flings, if you could ever call them that, always ended with hands above the waist. There were some guys that you grinded against in high school, but nowadays?

The furthest you've ever gone was your own, goddamn hand.

"Ever." You finally manage to sound out, opening your eyes to meet Steve's confused gaze. "I haven't done this... ever."

"Come on angel, I'm supposed to believe you after I've experienced what that mouth can do firsthand?" He drives in for another kiss but breaks it immediately as he notices that you don't kiss back. "Oh, you're... you're serious."

Steve leans backward, sitting on his knees as he gives you some space to breathe. He really didn't expect the same person who'd been ogling him, before they even came into his house, to be... well, a virgin.

"Does it change much?" You ask, propping yourself up on your elbows so that you can get a better look at the man. Steve looks back at you, conflicted as he thinks over his next move. He's done worse things than taking someone's virginity, there's no denying that, but still.

"I wouldn't want your first time to be wasted on an old man like me, darling." He says, readjusting the glasses that almost slipped off his nose.

"No, don't you dare say something like this." You harshly cut him off, leaving both of you a bit speechless. "I already told you you look great. Why would I be lying?" You continue, straightening your back so that your faces are dangerously close to one other. "Besides... I find our age difference unbelievably hot." Might as well come clean, no reason to hide your issues with the guy who (hopefully) will take your virginity.

The idea of having sex is still a bit scary, even if for the unknown factor, but as you look at Steve's handsome face, your worries seem to disappear.

He looks like he could take good care of you.

This whole situation, William thinks, looking between your eyes and lips, seems honestly too absurd to be true. Not only did you practically fall into his lap, undoubtedly throwing the police off his tracks once again, but you're also keen on having him as the man who shows you the ropes in bed?

Who would have thought his actions would lead him here?

"Take off your clothes." Steve demands, standing up from the bed. You flush at the command, eyes lingering on his figure as he circles you, stopping when he reaches the nightstand. You watch as he takes off his glasses before carefully placing them on the wooden bedside table. He opens the drawer and takes out a half-full container of lube, as well as a condom. Afterward, he looks back at you with an unfamiliar glint in his eye. "Didn't I make myself clear? Strip, my dear."

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