cap 1. the offert

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It was a normal day, I was walking home from alone like always, when a hooded man approached
"hello miss I have an offer for you"
"what is it"
"do you want to go 4000 years into the past with some powers and obviously immortality"
"are there any negative effects if I accept?" 
"no,you just lose your powers when you return to the day you was teleported, and all the changes you made will remain forever"
"okay I accept"
"magnificent you're leaving in the past in a week"
the man left and I continued walking home.
In the evening I couldn't sleep, my mind kept asking questions about the journey into the past. 
The questions kept me awake, I tried to give myself answers to the questions so I prepared a bag with all the things I might need for the trip. 
The next morning I went to school, I couldn't follow the lesson because I hadn't slept and I was very tired. 
"Hey Y/N!" 
I looked up and saw that BFN was talking to me
"what's up?" 
"did you sleep tonight? you look dead"
"I asked myself a lot of questions last night"
"about what?" 
"yesterday a guy offered to go into the past about 4000 years with some powers, so I was wondering what to do"
"did you seriously accept his offer?!" 
"Yes, is there a problem?"
"yes! you will be catapulted back in time 4000 years! you will be catapulted to 2023 BC! No one lived in our country in those times! you will be alone with nature and nothing else for 1000 years!" 
"so what? I love being in nature"
"but after a few months you will go crazy with all that solitude and silence"
"in case I go to Babylon and Ancient Egypt"
"no! go back to that guy and say you're not interested anymore! " 
"no I do what I want with my life!"
"Y/N, BFN! Stop arguing."
Upon leaving school BFN took me to a place where we could talk in private. 
"look you have to refuse the offer"
"because I already told you that I will go to ancient Egypt and Babylon if I want to be with people!" 
"it's not for that"
"and why else shouldn't I go there"
"I had that experience too but I didn't change anything and there were strange creatures hunting you"
"like? describe"
"did you present the Countryhumans?" 
"here they are"
"are you telling me that I will be followed by people with a flag in their faces? What will they do to me?" 
"They're crazy!" 
"this country is full of crazy people, it won't be anything new"
"Y/N I'm telling you seriously, I didn't even manage to do three years..."
"only three? I'll do all four thousand"
"Y/N if you can't stand what you're doing anymore, shout 'I want to return to the present' and say the date of your departure into the past"
"Okay BFN"
"Please stay safe Y/N"
"Yeah goodbye"
I went home and looked at the toll outside my window, trying to mentally prepare myself for the adventure I'm going to take. 
This whole place will be covered by nature and I will have to walk for kilometers or meters to find a city or village. 
I took a map and made the borders of the old states, also writing the day of foundation and fall.
Together with the map I also put a compass in my bag.
The next day I went to school and BFN looked at me badly
"listen Y/N you still have five days to refuse the offer"
"BFN, I already told you, I'm going to the past full stop end of discussion"
"Y/ N you will have the power to change history and even superpowers! Everyone will exploit you!" 
"so what? I'll be able to escape, I'm good at solving escape rooms"
"you're a real idiot"
"thank you, it's a characteristic of mine that will never leave me"

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