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Heeeeeyyyyyyyyy. What's up?
I had 1,200 words but Wattpad deleted it. Sorry.
But, I'm happy to announce I have started my first Andley ship book. If you read it, don't tell me I didn't warn you.
(Andy tops)

>Andy's pov<
Every morning is the same, wake up, get dressed, fix hair and make up, and deal with the worst problems of my life.

I'm a real fuck-up, or at least my mind is. I'm not sure how this happened, but since I was younger I've heard these voices. At first they were whispers, then it got more serious and developed to hallucinations, the voices now mix themselves with the hallucinations.

I have seen countless hallucinations of suicides and hear even more of talk about it.

No one knows and I intend to keep it like that. It's a slight problem I can fix by myself. I don't need some stupid physicist telling me what to do and giving me pills.

I'm constantly thinking about Ashley, about CC, Jake and Jinxx. They just want to help, but they don't want me to tell. They want me to die.

I looked down at my arms and wrists, up and down red and white, fresh and old, cuts showed plainly. It was to shut them up, they wouldn't be quiet until I did.

"Andy! Your friends are here, you need to go to school!" My mom, Amy, called from downstairs.

I jogged downstairs, grabbing my bag and following Ashley and the others out of the door.

'I want him so bad, I can imagine the sensation of his lips against mine. I can't have him, god knows if he's straight or not, he can have any girl in the whole fucking school. He's got to be straight. I'm not, I'm currently confused about my orientation. I think I'm bisexual.... Not sure though...'
I thought.
"Andy, you okay?" That beautiful, chocolate brown eyed boy satred at me. I looked around realizing we had gotten to school and reached our place by the lockers, where we hang out in the morning before the bell rings for school.

"Oh.. Uh, y-yeah. Fine." I replied. Damnit Andrew, wwhy do you have to go around stuttering like an idiot?

'Your so pathetic. Maybe you should just end it all. It would be painless and easy. I can help.' The voice kicked in. I glared to the right of me, that shadow staring at me, watching my every move. I wish it all went away.

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