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Sowwy, I thought we needed some cheering up after that last, very depressing chapter :c plus its 4:44am and I woke up from yet another nightmare... goddammit... Whatever, enjoy.

Anwards we must Gooo!

•Andys pov•

Well, we've gotten better. I mean.. After two weeks of a loss you can get over it, right?

Theres still that terrible feeling, I wonder how Ash is doing. He's been shaken up by this a lot really.

I've stopped talking as much, but I'm OK.

We thought our life was set out perfectly, everything was going as planned, we loved our lives, each other, the damn baby that grew inside Ashley for months, we went through all of that for nothing!

I've had sadness, heart break, emotion breakdowns but damn, I cant help but get a little bit angry about this.

"DAMMIT!" I yell to myself slamming my fists on the table. I broke into tears and fell on the floor, clutching my knees to my chest.

"Dammit..." I sighed.

Explaining to family and friends was terrifying, sad, hopeless, and useless, we haven't seen any friends or family besides Ashley's grandparents since that day... The day half of our lives was just taken from us and words covered it up.

(( I never put in dates and shit so its random donut judge ))
On June 9th, 2012 a specific stillborn ruined the lives of Andy and Ashley Biersack. Never again will they see their new child, never again will they feel the happiness of having a child growing in you, never once did they feel the happiness of holding the baby, taking it home and caring for it, never-

I broke down again
I can't so much as think about it without heaps of sobs coming from me.

Ash ended up crying himself to sleep, my eyes were watery, red and puffy. I could care less right now.

I just want our son.

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