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When the group opens the door to the roof, Athena takes in the view of London with a small gasp. On the roof, there were Sandbags, sentries, and a white-coated scientist searching the skies that were littered with barrage balloons with powerful binoculars.

"Wow." Amy gasped as she took in the sights as well.

"Doctor, this is Professor Edwin Bracewell. Head of our Ironsides Project." Churchill gestured to the Professor, Athena shivered at the introduction while The Doctor gave him a V for Victory salute.

"How do you do?" THe professor tilts his head in greeting Athena gives the man a tight smile A bomb lands nearby. Amy and Athena gaze at all the barrage balloons moored over the city.

"Oh, Doctor. Doctor, it's" Amy struggles to find the words to describe the city

"History." the Doctor offers, Athena grabs the Doctor's hand earning a glance from him. He's slightly startled by the mix of emotions on her face. Determination and fear danced in her eyes. He could feel her hand start to tremble in his as Churchill asked the professor if he was ready.

"Aye aye, sir. On my order, fire!" The professor commands, then Energy bolts zoom out from a sandbagged emplacement towards the approaching Nazi planes. Every single one is a dead hit. The Doctor drops Athena's hand in shock.

"What was that?" Amy asked. Athena just shook her head, flinching wrapping her arms around herself as the Doctor started to yell.

"That wasn't human. That was never human technology. That sounded like. Show me. Show me. Show me what that was!" The Doctor demands his disbelief turning to anger.

"Advance." Professor Bracewell commanded has Winston became excited. A Dalek rolls out from the emplacement. Its designation logo is a Union Flag and it is painted khaki, with an army utility belt around it. Athena steps in front of Amy putting her arms out protectively in front of the other ginger even though she knows what is going to happen. Amy couldn't understand why Athena human herself would step in front of her. Especially since these new weapons are British.

"What do you think? Quite something, eh?" Winston grinned. The Doctor starting to fume, ignored the prime minister marching up to the Daleks,

"What are you doing here?"

"I am your soldier." The Dalek informed him. The Doctor looked taken aback by the statement,

" What?"

" I am your soldier." The Dalek reiterated

"Stop this. Stop now. Now, you know who I am. You always know." The Doctor shouted, causing Athena to step forward,

" Doctor!" He looks at the impossible ginger girl remembering what she said as he steps back to his ginger girls to shield them.

" Your identity is unknown."

"Perhaps I can clarify things here. This is one of my Ironsides." Bracewell injects with a small smile. The Doctor tipped his chin up in confusion,

"Your what?"

"You will help the Allied cause in any way that you can." Bracewell looks to the Dalek


"Until the Germans have been utterly smashed."

" Yes."

"And what is your ultimate aim?"

"To win the war."

The Doctor linked hands with Athena and pulled her back down to the cabinet war rooms. She stumbled a few times trying to keep up with his pace. Amy looked at her with a questioning look, Athena assuming she was asking about why he was pulling her along, just shrugged in response. They end in the Prime Minister's office.

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