Chapter 1: You Left a Shadow

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The movement of the car always sends me to sleep, even though I try to stay awake. Thank God I'm in the passenger seat and not the co pilot, or else we'd probably wreck. The gentle hum of the car and the movement...I was out the second we started driving, my sore body needing the rest and warmth of the car. It was soothing, this way of life, just driving around and being safe and warm while doing it. I moved the blanket around my body, cuddling up against the middle of the seat, the cup holder seat, using my arm as a pillow. My Spider man comic on my lap, underneath the blanket. 

A soft murmuring between my mom and dad stirred me out of my sleep, my eyes groggily opening. Due to how deep asleep I was, my vision was blurry. Slowly, the voices cleared and I heard a bit..before it happened. I remember the panic in my parent's voices as bright lights filled the front view and then darkness...painful darkness. 

Everything hurt.. I couldn't see or hear anything.. my body hurt so much.. a woman is above me, in a medical outfit. She's desperate, worried. Her voice is muffled, echoing... "Orchid..Orchid Johnson.." My voice seemed to be working on its own. Her eyes..her face..engraved in my memory. My eyes then closed as I felt them move me onto a stretcher.. rushing me into a vehicle that had flashing red and blue lights.. the doors closed..the woman disappeared. Everything disappeared.... 

The only thing left was a shadow... 

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