Chapter 4: Something That Night

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Orchid's soft nuzzles on my neck made my heart skip a beat for some reason. My grip tightened on her, wanting to protect her. My lips gently brushed against her head. She's so tiny.. too young to be without her family..

My grip tightened as she rested her head on my chest. My heart was constricted as I remembered what happened that night.. I know who killed her parents and brother. I have been chasing him ever since what happened those years ago. Something inside me clicked, a protective instinct burning inside to protect Orchid.

I won't let him hurt her ever again.. her aunt and uncle don't see the type to look after her. My hand rested on her chest, feeling her heartbeat. Still thankfully beating. I need to call the others, we need to take him down.

My eyes closed as a vision of the future filled my mind.. and I gripped Orchid tightly.

Something that night..

He's coming for us

For Orchid

I need to keep her with me permanently.. she'll die without me.

My phone buzzed and I answered it, holding it to my ear with one hand, feeling Orchid's pulse with the other. I made sure to keep my voice down to not wake up Orchid.

Me: hello? Is everything okay?

Anya: Casey, we have another lead on Ezekiel. He's taking out cars, lots of patients in hospital.

Me: (sighs) I'm not surprised. Do you think Orchid's case is connected?

Anya: Could be.. since her parents and brother were killed.. but she was spared.. I think there's something going on here..

Me: There's definitely something more going on here.. I'm keeping her with me, not even with her aunt and uncle.. they're not the kind to watch over someone like her.

Anya: Good idea..I ran into them earlier, not good people if you ask me. How's her leg?

Me: It's weak but healing.. she can barely put pressure on it.. the hospital said there isn't really anything serious, just some weakness.. probably for life. She suffered some severe crush injuries in the crash..

Anya: Crush injuries? Those match up with the other patients and fatalies! Does she have a mark on her neck?

I froze and carefully moved Orchid, brushing her hair back. I saw a spider like bite on her neck.

Me: oh my God.. she does.. it looks like a spider bite.. Ezekiel building an army?

Anya: It looks like it.. protect her with everything you've got.

Me: I will.. stay safe, okay?

Anya: Okay, you too.. goodnight

Me: Goodnight

I hung up and hugged Orchid tighter against me, sighing heavily. This is getting worse and worse, this situation is getting out of hand..

"I'll protect you, matter what." I whispered, kissing her head and holding her tightly.

I barely slept..

A bad feeling growing in my heart..

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