II. father of the year award goes to

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Percy was ready to throttle the fates the next time she encounters them. Consequences be damned.

After the nerve-wracking meeting (for Percy), Poseidon had decided to take her to the Underworld, her uncle Hades' domain. And for the umpteenth time, Percy cursed Brunhilde in her mind for what seemed like hours.

Now she sits upon a different couch. One she shares with this dimension's Hades while her father is gods knows where. A record breaker for fastest child abandonment ever. The nerve of him to just dump her in unknown territory with an unknown uncle. Specially with an uncle with a track record for loving nieces. Yikes.

Percy just couldn't catch a break.

Percy peeked up at the god next to her. Even while he sat Percy could tell Hades was tall, but despite the intimidating height Percy didn't feel animosity nor judgment from the god, merely curiosity and...excitement? Why would he be excited? He wasn't looking for another niece...right?

"Tell me niece, where has my brother been keeping you?" It was a simple question, one with a difficult answer. Percy had a selection of choices. She could tell him the truth, that she was given to her father by a vengeful valkyrie because she didn't wanna fight with gods in a different dimension. She could tell him a lie, that the Bifrost coughed her up with the essence of Poseidon in her veins. Or, she could lie by omission, she'd met the oldest of the 13 valkyries—Brunhilde, by chance and was kind enough to lead her to her estranged father.

"I'm sure father will tell you more about it," Percy said smiling, choosing to instead deflect. Hades had noticed but didn't mind. Knowing his brother, he figured this mortal child would've died by her own father's hand (he did question how she was both human and god but it seemed a touching subject for both father and daughter). It would seem however that that wouldn't be the case, seeing as Percy sat perfectly unharmed next to him. He mentally applauded his brother's character development.

"Your father could be the most stubborn god to ever exist. If he didn't want to say anything, he wouldn't." Hades only sighed and closed his eyes in response, knowing full well he wouldn't be getting any answers from his brother. Glancing at his niece he was sure she was the same as her father. Even if they looked nothing alike.

The girl merely chuckled at her uncle.
Isn't that right.


The valkyrie's earlier reaction to Poseidon announcing that Percy shall stay with him from then on was interesting. It was both unwilling yet relieved. A weird and contrasting reaction, but Percy could see the underlying worry in Brunhilde's eyes. Whether it was for her safety or Percy's decision to (not) fight in Ragnarok, Percy didn't know. Brunhilde, the piercing beauty, left the younger girl confused (which wasn't that hard to do).

But Percy wouldn't think of it further. Not when her only question now is why Poseidon would take her to the underworld? And leave her here.

Percy could make many guesses, all of them ending with her imprisoned, tortured or dead. Maybe all three in that order. But despite her very valid conclusions, Percy crossed them out. She reasoned her father could kill her, imprison her, or torture her whenever and wherever he wanted, for whatever reason he had to do so. He certainly didn't need to lead her to the underworld to do any of it.

So her final guess would be child abandonment.


Percy was really unlucky with fathers it seems. Her real one, always kept her at arms length, too scared to get attached because of her mortality. But he was also too scared to push her away, fearing for her safety and wellbeing. Poseidon stuck around but he wasn't really present. A sad truth.

This version of her father was quick to abandon her after claiming she'd stay with him. She didn't really know which one hurt more. Being taken in to be dumped as soon as possible? Or being father and daughter but never being able to be father and daughter.

Either way, both hurt. The pain of abandonment was immense, even if she didn't really know him.
Even if she was terrified of him. He was still her father. Biologically or not he acknowledged her as his daughter. He was—is responsible for her.

And the thought just makes her heart ache even more.

And the thought just makes her heart ache even more

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Happy Thanksgiving!

I was purposely holding out so I could publish this today ✌️ (No I wasn't, I forgot to publish earlier sorry 🫣(thank you @L-JPenny for reminding me to update)) Anyways please lmk if you see any spelling or grammar errors!

Love you lots, see you next time xx

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