V. an emo visits and tells me to strip

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Poseidon learns about parenting. He doesn't like the child rearing methods, so he speaks to his brother who has experience in raising children, Hades.

The Gods were significantly much more advanced than humans (in certain areas). However not many gods, especially Poseidon, would know a thing about parenting. Why would he? He didn't have a child—until recent events show that yes, he has one. A daughter who was brought by a shady valkyrie with an even shadier story for his supposed child's existence. He'll come to think back on Brunhilde's explanation at a later date, for now Poseidon must focus on figuring out how to raise a fully grown daughter with the mental capacity of a newborn up to his standards.

So far the information he's read has been dismal at best, and comparable to an atrocity of a book written by polluting humans at worst. The books are practically medieval in its contents and methods. And Poseidon is a god.

Proteus, Poseidon's servant, couldn't help but see the agitation on his king's hardened face.

Hesitantly he broke Poseidon's focus, "Perhaps My Lord, that a book written by humans would be most beneficial for the...Princess' growth."

Poseidon's eyes snapped to meet Proteus' own, leaving the back of the how-to guide book, Grooming To Your Taste by the Hindu God, Brahma. Proteus questioned why that book would have a place in the shelves of the palace's vast libraries in the first place.

Virtually everyone in each pantheons knew Brahma's marriage with his own daughter Saraswati.

Incest is a truly complicated matter for the gods. Cousins, siblings, aunts and nephews, and uncles and nieces could marry— hell even parents and their children. It doesn't happen often, marriage between parent and child, in fact it has only ever happened once within the godly community. Brahma and his daughter-wife Saraswati. Such relations was a common occurrence amongst the gods, just not to the extent that Brahma took it.

Though Proteus couldn't fault his king for the lack of knowledge about the matter. Poseidon, after all, found little merit in knowing trivial matters about each god and goddess that went viral in Bruit* and therefore had little clue as to what the book he currently held entailed.

Proteus cleared his throat under the waiting gaze of Poseidon.

"Seeing as the young Princess herself is mortal perhaps child-rearing books designed for humans would yield better results than...Lord Brahma's collection."

There were dozens of books in the collection, all were rather graphic, or so Proteus has heard.

Poseidon's mouth twisted to a sneer at the reminder of his daughter's mortality. As if Poseidon would resort to reading human trash that could barely qualify as literature. "No, those books would only hurt that child's development and would complicate her ascension."

"Ascension, My Lord?" Proteus questioned.

"I refuse to have my daughter have such a weakness as mortality." Poseidon all but spat out the last word as if it personally offended him to even speak it.

"I understand that the princess's unnatural birth has caused her to become a born demigod, but there must be a reason the princess was unable to ascend fully. Perhaps it would be wise to investigate the matter."

Poseidon turned his head away from Proteus. His daughter has a defect. That's what Proteus had said. That must be why at her birth she'd been born only half a goddess. Poseidon clicked his tongue and faced his waiting servant.

"Bring me Beelzebub"


"Lord Poseidon" Greeted the Lord of the Flies.

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