VIII. finding percy, the parody

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Olympus was losing their shit looking for Percy. Meanwhile, Percy stresses over an awkward breakfast with her uncle, Hades.

"Annabeth," A voice interrupted the blonde girl's thoughts. Her eyes darted to the source, a boy pale for his complexion, with a dark set of tired eyes, Nico, son of Hades.

"Did you contact Percy's mom?" Nico asked softly. The blonde, Annabeth, took in a shallow breath and nodded yes. She'd contacted Sally Jackson about Percy's whereabouts, but she said she hadn't seen or heard from her daughter since the summer began. It's been weeks since the summer started, Percy hasn't been seen at all.

The gods were getting restless. No, they were absolutely losing it. Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and violent thunderstorms were happening around the globe, causing widespread destruction and panic amongst mortals and gods. Poseidon and Zeus were at each other's throats. Poseidon accusing Zeus of doing something to Percy and Zeus denying the accusation but accused Percy of working for their father because Hades, the eldest of the brothers had informed them that her soul has not descended to his realm.

The other olympians, as always were divided in the matter. The minor gods were just hoping to survive the disasters the two brothers were causing. They were desperate enough to contact their demigod children and ordered them to look for Percy. The children of the Olympian's were told to do the same, though their search proved to be fruitless.

"What do we do, Nico? What if she's been kidnapped again?" Annabeth had been worried since Percy hadn't answered any of her IMs or anyones for that matter. Nico looked away to the window. "I don't know. Everyone available is searching, the gods themselves are looking. All we could do is continue searching."

Annabeth stared at Nico, his exhaustion and worry clear to her. Nico had been shadow traveling back and forth to the Underworld and camp, updating camp on Percy's status. All both Hades and Nico could do is tell them that Percy is still alive. But the father and son had their doubts. They could feel every soul walking on the earth and underworld, but they couldn't feel Percy's. It's as if she was just gone.

There was only one plausible explanation as to how the two couldn't feel Percy's soul. Someone older and stronger had taken and hid Percy from them, making it impossible for anyone to find her. That was the only reason they could think of.

The why wasn't hard to guess. Percy was equally loved and hated. She had many enemies. Old and powerful enemies. The list was long and no one was above suspicion.

The whole Greek pantheon was on the verge of collapse now that Percy Jackson, a pillar, is missing. And their enemies are just itching to take advantage of her disappearance.


Percy woke up to a knocking on her door. It has been weeks since she'd ended up in this dimension, yet she remained a light sleeper. Her days have been spent primarily with Beelzebub her doctor(?) and Proteus her teacher.

Not minding the door opening, thinking the knocker to be Proteus, Percy shot up when she heard her uncle ask if she was awake.

Making eye contact with Hades, Percy became increasingly aware of how she was currently dressed and tugged at her sheet to cover her shoulders, blocking her uncle from seeing anything inappropriate.

"Uncle, what are you doing here?" Percy stammered taken aback by the god's appearance in her room.

"Ah, I'd come to ask if you'd like to have breakfast together" Her uncle said, his eyes staring at her with freighting focus. Percy watched for any minute movement in his eyes until his focus shifted to look around her room. As if a weight had been lifted off her, Percy breathed out quietly, relieved to no longer be under her uncle's heavy focus.

Percy cleared her throat interrupting Hades eyes from roaming any further around her room. She had to play the eager and innocent niece she'd remind herself, as she choked out a very unsure sounding "sure" followed by a quick, "let me get dressed"

Now that Hades was hurried out of her room with the doors locked behind him. Percy could breathe a little better without the oppressing feeling of Hades' presence, until a pit in her stomach formed, anxious about breakfast.

Percy was really regretting saying yes. She was probably gonna throw up after— or worse, DURING breakfast.

Hades wouldn't kill her for that right? Right???

Hades wouldn't kill her for that right? Right???

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I'll be graduating tmrw so I'll hopefully be updating more often (currently doing a job search yk) Next chapter will be focusing on Poseidon and Percy 😻 nothing explicit mind you

Love you lots, see you next time xx

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