IV. poseidon awakens his paternal instincts?

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Percy is met with what could only be Poseidon's never before seen paternal instincts at work. Why does she kinda like it?

Percy's eyes widen in shock as her father pulls her to sit up and proceeds to basically frisk her looking for any signs of wounds or any such things. Well can someone frisk you with their eyes alone? Probably not but it was Poseidon after all. Percy didn't doubt he could do it all.
Her eyes trailed awkwardly to the side after seeing her father's usually stiff expression scrunch up in...annoyance? Well whatever kind of expression it was, it was a negative one, considering the scowl that has been etched onto Poseidon's face since she woke up.

Clearing her throat, she successfully (temporarily) ceased her father's odd behavior.

"Uhh hi?" Eloquently said Percy. She berated herself internally for her awkwardness.

As awkward as she may have been, she was still successful in deterring the scowl on her father's beautiful face. Really beautiful face.
The muscles on his (really beautiful) face seemed to be put to practice today. Replacing the earlier scowl with one of his brows arching up, silently asking (demanding) for her to continue.

"Good morning dad...dy?" The word daddy was foreign and weird on her tongue but she finished the word regardless of her previous connotations of the word being heavily influenced by her generations use of it. It made her shudder in discomfort just thinking about it.

Poseidon's arched brow returned to his resting face. "It's well into the night."
Refusing to let her father's blunt words get to her, she rectified her words, "Then good night daddy," As if to follow her words, Percy lays back down, turns her back to her father and pulls the blanket that previously pooled at her waist above her head. Was it wise to sass her already human-hating god of a father? Probably not. But it's exactly what Percy did. It's what she does best.

In hindsight she knew she was fucked the moment she dared to turn her back to Poseidon, but at this point, she really could not give a flying fuck. However, her not giving a flying fuck didn't stop the creeping feeling of her father's intense stare at her covered figure. Like lasers.

Lord have mercy.


It was quiet for a while, and Percy didn't know how much time had passed but her father's stare didn't let up. In fact she could confidently say it became even heavier. She thought he was probably thinking of the many ways to punish her insolence. Was she brave or was she stupid, that is the question.

Sighing, Percy's head emerged from the blanket, and turned to face her father's stare head on. "Is there something you need daddy?"

"Children are prone to nightmares." Poseidon bluntly puts, as if that was enough to explain his still lingering presence.

Percy nodded in agreement and waited for Poseidon to continue.
"Yes...and?" Really. Her father's ability to socialize and express his full thought process is just about the capacity of a teaspoon. But then again not a lot of people have probably asked him to explain himself— if there were any at all.

"You are a child who's recently suffered a panic attack. I am more inclined to believe that you will be more likely to suffer a nightmare right after." His reasoning was simple and sound and perhaps the longest sentence her father has ever said to her, and Percy couldn't help but feel touched by it. Is this how Poseidon expresses his worry? Actually, is this how (somewhat normal) fathers worry about their children? Matter of fact where did he even get this information from? Poseidon didn't seem the paternal type. Remembering the fact that he'd all but abandoned her to her Uncle who had a thing for nieces.

Not knowing what to say in response, Percy remained silent mulling over the words Poseidon had said.


"Where were you?" Percy had finally asked, half afraid and half curious. Curious because she'd wanted to know for hours. Afraid because she didn't wanna confirm that she'd been abandoned. Logically she knew she wasn't, seeing as she's most likely been taken to his home but the idea kept coming back no matter how much she'd push it to the very depths of her mind. Poseidon could still abandon her at any time.

Maybe that's why he was staring so hard? He wanted her out of there.

"I was here. Preparing for your arrival."

Oh. Oh.

I was being babysat.

Percy's head swiveled away from Poseidon's direct line of sight, unwilling to let him see the red embarrassment on her face. She'd really thought she'd been abandoned but it turns out he was just redecorating the place and needed for someone to watch her.

Percy almost cried at the thought of Poseidon being true to his words and taking her in.

Percy almost cried at the thought of Poseidon being true to his words and taking her in

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Sorry for the delay guys (again) my laziness won again 😭 you guys probably thought I died or sum huh? Fear not my loves all is well.

Seeing as it's new years and my birthday I thought, well why not update today? So here she is— Percy doesn't know how to respond to Poseidon being a dad

Love you lots, see you next time xx

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