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the appearance of the devils had drastically changed the way the world worked, but for the better, rating games were held even more regularly now, for one reason or another, or just because they could, a tournament had been created called the seraphim trials, of which all peerages and EVA handlers were welcome, this tournament was incredibly popular, especially do it's prizing, should an EVA handler win, they are aloud one request from lord marchosias himself, if a peerage one they had a choice, since most peerages still didn't have access to the advanced set, he offered that as reward for victory, of they like the EVA handlers could forgo the peerage set, in favor instead asking for one request from lord marchosias

adriel marchosias, was practically the ruler, of the new world, oh he didn't make any of the laws, or anything but every one respected him, and everyone loved him as a subject loved their benevolent king, it made artoria extremely proud to be in her master's service

adriel, being who he was never let this power go to his head either, which caused the actual leaders to respect him further, as he remained firmly in his lane that being the commander of NERV, he wasn't even the officiator to the, newly dubbed angel trials, that went to sub-commander fuyutsuki, who did the job exceedingly admirably

adriel had made one decision that the UN and the different nations didn't agree with, and only one, the EVA weapons he created, which he dubbed the mystic arms, were being sent to predetermined individuals, but he neglected to inform the UN or the nation they were being sent to, he simply sent the weapon off, his reasoning was simple

"many will end up like me, i will not allow them to be bullied to fight for any nation or individual should they refuse the power offered, the weapon in question will return to NERV to be sent out to the next constituent, it is why i have asked for laws to be put in place, that forces handlers to either register with their respective governments or join under a devil's banner, if they do neither they are a threat, one which NERV will put down" i said with conviction

that caused all problems to disappear, as adriel did as he promised, any handler that accepts their new role, but refuses to register would be hunted down, by handlers working for NERV (usually lead by rei ayanami) and those that betrayed the nation they were apart of for any reason other then self-defense (there were those nations) would also be put down, those defending themselves from nations asking for immoral things such as mass-genocide, would be recruited by NERV and taken from the nation which would then be blacklisted, cutting off access to any handler ever working for them, it was neat and tidy system

adriel was currently going over a report, involving another rogue handler that rei had recently eliminated

"well done, efficient as usual rei" i said

"thank you sir" she said

"rei, at ease, i am not my father, i do not require any of to stand on ceremony" i said, she didn't move still standing practically at attention, i sighed

"is this what you want rei" i asked

"sir" she asked

"do you want to continue fighting like this" i asked, she paused

"my wish is to serve the one that gave me purpose, something more then a mass-genocidal weapon" rei said

"i see, in other words, me" i said

"yes sir" she affirmed

"and if i recruited you into my personal service" i asked

"i would be grateful, if you would me as one of your spears" rei said, a devil could recruit up to seven handlers to their cause, that didn't include any that were reincarnated as devils through the peerage system, they were allowed a full set of handlers plus seven, these seven were known as the seven sinful spears

"i will think about it, your dismissed you are ordered to take a week off, to relax and enjoy yourself" i said

"yes sir" she said, as she saluted and left, as soon as she was gone, i hit the intercom

"asmodeus to katsuragi" i said

"go ahead commander" misato said. still getting used to calling her former charge such

"i have just given rei a weeks leave, i expect her to enjoy all seven days to their fullest, i expect you to see it happens" i said

"understood, commander i'll make sure she enjoys herself, without being too overbearing, commander could we speak privately" misato asked

"come to my office at the end of your shift and we'll talk" i said

"thank you commander" she said as i cut the transmission

"what a useful system" i said

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