Sneaking In

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Katherine was in a state of euphoria.

The newsies had won. They made the front page. She wrote the front page story which got them there. She was a respected journalist. But most of all... She had Jack.

Jack Kelly, the boy whose first impression was being a flirt, a complete egomaniac, and impossible. He was a prince in disguise. Over the days, she had begun to understand how caring he was with the other boys and how he would do anything to protect those that he loved. Suddenly he wasn't as cocky as he thought, wasn't the son of a bitch she would assume he would be.

Especially towards her, he was so different. He cared so much for her and told her she was beautiful, and meant every word he said. Nobody before him had ever called her beautiful and meant it. He didn't care about her riches, only about her, another difference which made Katherine feel so surprised.

Kissing him that night on the rooftop could only be described has heaven.
The way he gently touched her with his rough hands. The way his hair fell over his eyes as they kissed. The way he smiled at her, it made her melt even thinking about it. He smiled to genuine to her. Nothing about his smile reminded her of falseness or wanting something more than just a kiss.

The way he called her his Ace, his angel. Katherine liked the sound of that. Katherine Plumber, Jack Kelly's Ace, his perfect Angel. This thought brought a smile on her face as she walked up to the large, stand up mirror in her bedroom at her apartment. The mirror was fairly new, with a shiny brass frame around the polished glass. The door to her room was shut, leaving her all alone. But she couldn't care less. She stood in front of the mirror, observing herself. Brunette curly hair, new in fashion white blouse with pink polka dots with a light colored, ankle-length skirt. How a man like Jack Kelly, a total ladies man, unbelievably handsome and so unbelievably kind could fall for this stubborn girl whose best friend is her type writer and from her own eyes, was not as beautiful as Jack made her out to be. With this thought she closed her eyes and sighed, before opening them quickly and walking to her bed to sit on it.

She rolled her shoulders back, hearing her back crack, and fell backwards on the bed. She looked at the white ceiling above her and closed her eyes. Suddenly she had this aching feeling, a feeling of yearning. She missed Jack.
Although it seemed so impossible since she's just seen him earlier this day, the day they conquered. She pictured him now rallying up the newsies from all over New York and fighting for the rights. The determination on his face, his eagerness to help others, his desire to set things right. All these things made him even more beautiful than he thought. Then she realized something. She loved him. There was no doubt about that. She loved him, no matter what he father said or thought. The only matter was telling him. It seemed so crazy that she could fall in love so quickly. For her it defenatly wasn't love at first sight but she knew that he was something different, something new. These thoughts were disturbed, however, by a loud knocking sound.

Katherine's eyes instantly opened and she sat up looking very confused. She looked towards her door and cocked her head in a confused manor. She heard the knocking again, and this time her attention was brought to her window. There knocking at her window was the face she longed to see all night. Jack Kelly.

The instant she saw him, her face perked up and she smiled. She was happy to see he was smiling back. Quickly she went over to the window and opened it quickly.

"What are yo-"

But before she could finish her thought, Jack kissed her full on the lips. It was gentle, as if asking it was okay. She smiled into the kiss and kissed him again, as if telling him it was alright. When the need for air occurred, they pulled away. They looked at each other and smiled.

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