My Distraction

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Katherine sighed before walking out the doors of The Sun and letting herself just walk. She took in the commotion which was all over town and instantly didn't like it. She wanted to find some place, quiet, out of the circuit and somewhere where she could just let go. So when she found herself standing outside the Lodging House at Newsies Square, she was surprised yet knowing what she really needed, peace and Jack.

She let herself in and looked at her surroundings. Things looked out of place and messy, as usual. Also as usual, the boys were lounging around, relaxing after selling loads of papers that day. She assumed some of them were still out selling since she didn't see Davey, Les, Race, or, disappointingly, Jack around. She figured no one noticed her presence, so she went to start making her way out to the rooftop when she was stopped by Crutchie, who was coming down the stairs.

"Hey Katherine!", he exclaimed, his smile fading seeing her face so down. "What's wrong?", he asked.

"It's- I -just...Its nothing". She looked down to the floor, rubbing her forehead, trying to soothe the headache which was forming.

Crutchie came down all the stairs and embraced her. She embraced him gently back. "Ya know Jack ain't back yet?".

"I figured", she replied, her tone darkening as her head got worse.

Crutchie put a hand on her shoulder. "Do ya need anything?", he asked.

"Not really. I was just going to go to the roof. I need some space. I just wanted to see if Jack was in here."

Crutchie gave her a comforting smile before telling her to wait there. He limped over to their makeshift kitchen and got her some water in a glass before walking out, only to be stopped by Specs.

"Whose that for?", he asked.

Crutchie looked to Katherine as if to ask her if it was alright before she nodded.

"It's for Katherine. She's here if you guys didn't notice."

"Hey Katherine!", everyone yelled causing her to cringe.

"She ain't feeling well so she was going to lie down. I'se just getting her some water."

Specs and the rest of the Newsies nodded before Crutchie went to Katherine and gave her the water.

"Thanks", she replied.

Crutchie smiled at her before obliging.
"I'll tell Jack where ya are".

"Thanks", Katherine said again, smiling.

"Feel better", he said.

"I'll try", Katherine replied before leaving.

"Ya think she's, ya know", Romeo said gesturing to his stomach and using his hands to enlarge his stomach.

"Maybe", some boys replied.

"I think she's just stressed", Crutchie suggested.

"That's true", Mush pointed out.

"Whatever it is, I hope she's okay", Crutchie replied.

"Pregnant!", Romeo exclaimed.

"Dude, just stop!", Specs yelled.

Romeo crossed his arms over his chest and settled in his chair.


A few hours later, the Lodging Doors opened and Race walked in, chewing on his cigar followed by Davey and a tired Les. A few minutes later, Jack came in looking very confused.

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