The Angel From Ablaze Pt.1

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Katherine walked into her small apartment with a smile plastered on her face and a pink blush on her cheeks. She was accompanied by a lovely, calming sent , deep red, romantic roses. It was for no reason in particular, except for the fact that on the way back from work, she was greeted by none other than Jack Kelly himself standing outside The Sun building.

He stood there waiting for her, a sly grin on his face, holding those beautiful flowers behind his back. When he saw her come out, he ran up to her and wrapped one hand around her waist, the other still behind his back.

"Hello, beautiful", he whispered in her ear before kissing right under it.

Katherine turned around in his arm and smiled at him. "Hey", she replied.

His expression suddenly turned into deeply offended. "No, hello handsome ta me?", he scoffed playfully," I'm hurt".

Katherine laughed at him before wrapping her arms around his neck and leaned closer. Close enough that she felt him breathing softly.

"Fine. Hello", she got closer so that their lips were ghosting over each others," handsome", she finished before kissing him lightly.

Jack kissed her back with more urgency before she reluctantly pulled away. "Wow", he whispered," that defentaly made everythin' betta".

Katherine breathed out a laugh before noticing he had a hand behind his back.

"What have you got in your hand there?", she asked a curious glint in her eyes.

"Oh, a little somethin' somethin'", he replied playfully.

Katherine was about to retort when Jack brought the flowers before her eyes. Instantly, her eyes widened and she took in the absolute beauty of them.

"Oh, Jack", she whispered, awed and taken aback he had gotten these for her.

"They'se for you", he gave her a shy smile before handing them too her.

Katherine took them in her hands and smelt them. Their scent reminded her of a gorgeous spring day in May. "Jack, they are beautiful. Thank you", she looked up at him and have him a grateful smile before leaning up to kiss him again, released when she felt both his arms wrap around her waist this time instead of one.

She parted from him to ask," But what for? It's not a special occasion I don't think?".

Jack laughed nervously before kissing her forehead. "What's wrong with givin' ya roses. Only da most beautiful flowers for da most beautiful gurl", he replied.

Katherine tried to hide her smile but was unsuccessful. Jack silently laughed at this before kissing her nose.

"But will ya do somethin' for me?", he asked.

Katherine nodded her head, yes.

"Tonight, I'm gonna come to ya door an take ya out on a real proper date, jus da two o' us. Can ya be ready by eight?", he asked.

Katherine blushed and replied," Yes. For sure."

"Great!", Jack leant down and kissed her again, "until then, I gotta go sell some more papes." He kissed her forehead one last time before saying," Bye, I love you."

Katherine smiled at him and whispered,"I love you too".

Jace gave another one of his award-winning smiles before running back to his position.

Katherine smiled as she remembered moments ago. She quickly set the flowers on the table and found a vase to put them in. She quickly filled it with water and set the fragile roses in it, adjusting them slightly, before going to put them in her study, next to her type writer.

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